Sweet stuff i sold my first item on ebay and i have another of the same item up again ! i made 11.99 for a cd ! its awesome no i have some money to buy some other materials i need to make more of these live cds !
check out the item :
fun stuff !
anyone Else sell stuff on ebay ?
when did you join there and have your first sell ?
i joined in 2001 i forgot makes me look good cause ive been a member for so long lol !
I joined in June 2002 - I was interested in it for a while, but was wary of the site.
I think I've sold more items than I've bought now, but in the beginning I was a bargain hunter pure and simple.
I can't remember what the first item I actually was - probably a CD. I do sell my working anime on eBay.
The trouble with eBay is that they can jack-up the fees or basically do anything to screw you over (as a seller) safe in the knowledge that eBay will remain the biggest internet auction name and, therefore, the first and perhaps only destination for potential buyers.
currently I have two of my TI calculators up for auction, and I plan to auction my FF7 OST, RIO SP250 MP3 CD player and Warcraft III
made a bid on your TI-83 hehe.

I was surprised at the Ti-89. I got a bid right off the bat, and the guy was begging me to stop the auction and sell it to him for that specific amount. However, considering I had no clue whether or not it would sell, I told him to bid and sit tight. I felt that I had more of an opportunity to get more money if I just let it go through.
I've sold one textbook on ebay which was my first sell. I haven't sold anything else and I've been registered since 2001. It is the fees associated with selling stuff man I've lost like 10$ on stuff that didn't sell. I don't like it too much.
damn i listed that item last night and it sold already damnit !
i wish i could do quanity so i didnt loose .40 an auction ! and also the currency transfer ! i had 15$ and now its 13 bastards and there fee's !
well im happy im selling so fast !
I posted to sell my first item this week.. it's that marmalade boy set that best buy mispriced for $26
Quote:Originally posted by Nina182B
I posted to sell my first item this week.. it's that marmalade boy set that best buy mispriced for $26
I've already sold 2 of them. They go for about $50 on there.
Nice bit a profit there

Not as much as I wanted though.

I've been a memeber for a year now...although I'm royal tired of selling stuff on there. I never get any profit ;_;. You always get ripped of on selling HK's on there.
My first sale was just about all my regular non-anime dvd's .
I was able to make a profit on some HK but if you sell R1 without the box and such...it's usually not going to make a profit.
I've sold stuff like clothes and make nothing compared to the cost in the store...and the fees suck if you use Paypal as well.
And then I get my money and sicne I'm on Ebay I end up looking at suff and spending my money V_V
I know this is kinda ot, but has anyone noticed how dirt cheap NEW, NBI region 1's are going for latley on ebay? I just bought all of King of Bandit Jing for under $40.00, and Gasaraki boxset for $30.00. I mean they have whole series or darn near the whole series( I saw noir, arc the lad, FMP, and etc..) w/ out the box unfortunatly, going for 50-60 dollars.
Quote:Originally posted by SilverMuraki
I know this is kinda ot, but has anyone noticed how dirt cheap NEW, NBI region 1's are going for latley on ebay? I just bought all of King of Bandit Jing for under $40.00, and Gasaraki boxset for $30.00. I mean they have whole series or darn near the whole series( I saw noir, arc the lad, FMP, and etc..) w/ out the box unfortunatly, going for 50-60 dollars.
I know, in a previous post I commented on how you may as well buy Reg 1 with how cheap it is now. Most ttiles are ADV titles...Jing...Noir...Saiyuki...the oens that I got were. I don't know for sure if it has anything to do with it or not.
I wonder how they can even make a profit unless...nah i won't think the worst thought possible.