I'm a very new to HK anime, only recently learned about it and thought it was a great deal. This site has helped answer alot of my questions and I am grateful for that.
But my question is this. I enjoy watching anime on adult swim, albeit they tone it down considerablly, yet it's a good starting point to view anime. Now, if I were to buy the HK anime that this site sells or ebay auctions off, would it have the same English dubbed voices as are on the TV? I know this sounds really stupid, but I would just like to have a confirmation.
Much thanks for any answers.
Quote:if I were to buy the HK anime that this site sells or ebay auctions off, would it have the same English dubbed voices as are on the TV?
Depends on the HK's source. If it's ripped from a R1 (American) DVD, chances are that it'll have English dubs (though that's not always the case). If it's ripped from a R2 (Japanese) DVD, or if a source is from VHS, LaserDisk or a recording of a Japanese TV broadcast, then it's very likely that it won't have an English dub.
That's not what he was asking. If the set has the English dub, it will be the exact same as the ones you hear on TV. The guys in HK don't make their own dubbing

Quote:Originally posted by BossHighwind
Now, if I were to buy the HK anime that this site sells or ebay auctions off, would it have the same English dubbed voices as are on the TV?
Like what Rugrats had posted, if the HK dvds are ripped from R1 sources, generally, the English dub will be the same as that on TV.
If you were to buy import anime and want identical, if not similar, English dub, look for FX perfect collection set. Perfect, not as in everything's top notch quality, but perfect as in these sets are ripped from R1 sources.
dubbed the same !
what you want to look for is Perfect collection on all the sets if if you english dubb. if its complete its only in jap.
that will help you alot also this if you want to look up voice actors :
best site for anime news and all titles out there and alos show what voie actors are in which animes if you like a certain english dubb you can look up the actor and what other animes they have been in.
that will help you alot !
Perfect site man, I appreciate it greatly.
they blocked me for a while then i sent them an email to the owner and he lifted it off me ! so now i can still use it !
any other questions PM me !
any time !
It would be damn funny if they HK guys did their own english dubs.
I remember a while ago, when I would try and find DBZ episodes, I had downloaded a few fandubbed movies, including movie 5, which was rather hilarious :p
The Fandubs for sailormoon stuff is fucken hilarious aswell, only got a few though