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Full Version: I Need Everyones Attention Please!!!!!!
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Pages: 1 2
Hahahahaha, losers.
Oh you little punk. If I was a mod your ass would be toast.

What's the point of doing something like this? It's a cheap little joke that isn't very amusing.
Evidence 1
par·o·dy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-d)
n. pl. par·o·dies

A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule.

Evidence 2
your good!
Quote:Originally posted by ElVaquero
par·o·dy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-d)
n. pl. par·o·dies

A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule.

It's a little excessive and I'm sure it's considered a spam post.

Would you like that defined?
Wow, Dude, calm down!!
Granted, this kind of thread should be in General Babble, but I thought it was kinda funny.
It made me smile.
Thank you, ElVaquro!
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
Wow, Dude, calm down!!
Granted, this kind of thread should be in General Babble, but I thought it was kinda funny.
It made me smile.
Thank you, ElVaquro!

IndeedBig Grin
ahahahahaha...good oneBig Grin
Normally, I'd think this was a pretty pointless post. But since he's basically doing it to show how pointless that other thread title was, it has a point to it.

The lesson to be learned here is to stop saying "I need everyones attention" or "Urgent" or "Important" or anything else of the sort in thread titles if it's not really anything that needs immediate consideration.
I would also like my attention back. Uh, twice.
Good one Big Grin!

I knew what this was about though... I guess this is like the boy who cried wolf... if people start asking for attention they won't get anything. Be that the lesson.
funny funny. good thread. good laugh.

how come i never think of stuf like this.

that's why my post number is so low. i should try to make some stupid threads.
Quote:Originally posted by tarantula
how come i never think of stuf like this.

that's why my post number is so low. i should try to make some stupid threads.

No, you shouldn't.
i was just being sarcartic:p
Pages: 1 2