I love to cosplay (dress up as anime characters at conventions) but some of my friends think that it is just plain out dumb. I say that it is cool to get to dress up in a cool costume on a day other than Halloween and they say it is for freaks. Which is the true answer? I think it is awesome to have soem fun every once in a while and it is even more fun when it has to do with anime stuff. Now, call me crazy, but doesn't anyone else love to dress up? I do. Who else does?And who would the coolest male anime character be to cosplay as? I think it would be Vash from Trigun. You can't get any cooler than a dude with a the flashy red coat and the awesome looking glasses, not to mention the cool looking coat. But who is the coolest female character to cosplay?
It's up to you. If you think it's fun, then it's fun. If you were to mind what other ppl really thinks, you won't get that much fun out of anything.
Don't do it everyday though. :p That would be freaky.
As for who's the coolest......it's 'beauty in the eye of the beholder'!
Vash is cool, but if you dressed up, could you get the same effect? You can't say that a 500lb guy dressing up like Vash is super cool, can you?
I saw a picture of from last year's anime convention in Anaheim, CA. This girl dressed up like Robin, WHR....MAN! She looks almost exactly like her! Coat, hair, glasses, size-wise....PERFECT! Just that the hair color, she dyed it a tad orangey. I think she won the competition.
I see what you mean about the cosplay thing. Last year I saw a dude that looked SCARILY like Vash. It was so cool! He had the exact glasses, coat and under suit. It was so cool! My friend is dressing up as Robin this year lol. My friend has been trying at the hair thing and she is still having trouble with it, but I think she will get it right in time for the convention. My other friend is dressing up as Trunks! It will be funny........and scary because he looks like Trunks already. He will have to dye his hair purple , but it is all good! As for me, I am going to go as a character from a manga that I have. Some girl named Azumi from the manga Real Bout High School. My friends say that I am too much like her lol. Oh, Speaking of Anaheim, That is the one we are going to this year lol. We hope to see some cool costumes. Well, thank you for replying ! I am still going to be thinking about the coolest cosplay characters to dress up as............I will be stuck on this for quite a while.
Cosplay is cool!
the effort and dedication some people put into their outfits is awe inspiring!
but for a lazy arse like me i doubt i'll ever get into it
but if i did it would have to be Arucard from hellsing or some bad ass character like Legato Bluesummers

Agreed! Two very good choices for characters by the way

Even though I look nothing like him, I'd like to dress up as D, from Vampire Hunter D. Just because he's cool as H3ll, & minus the symbiot, all the rest would be easy to get right. I remember a while back I told all my friends I was going to force them to go to a convenstion with, but I doubt we'll ever go.
But, to me the coolest cos play guy character would be Gutts.
Quote:Originally posted by Batik
...My friend is dressing up as Robin this year lol. My friend has been trying at the hair thing and she is still having trouble with it, but I think she will get it right in time for the convention...
Tell her to try using coat hangers, the metal ones to keep her hair up. It works wonders!
Honestly, I thought about doing Robin...but then, so will every other chica out there. I need a new idea!! HELP!!! The convention is in December.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will tell her. She will be pleased ^___^.
Sounds cool. Ihave never seen anyone dress up as D before. It would be kind of cool. Well, if you plan on going to a convention DRAG your friends along. That is what I am doing

Yeah Batz Gutts would be phenomonal just the name of anything Berserk brings judders down my spine
Berserk, huh? I really need to see more of that one. Everyone I have spoken to has LOVED it. I am finally getting around to it .......I think.
It's a real good series, & it seems to me that many people who say it's just a bunch of brutal killing hasn't taken the time to experience the full...uh experience??? that is Berserk, because there's a lot more to it than just a bunch of killing.
Man, now I want to get it even more. Lol. That is it. I am looking for it tomorrow at Suncoast. If I can't find it there, I will just buy it here (this website) ^_____^. It's all good!
is suncoast an import/HK shop in Cali?