Hello! It is the annoying Batik! BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA! Well, enough of that. I had a question to ask you........meaning anyone who knows really. Now that the introduction's are over, I have a question that NEEDS to be answered or .......to put it simply... my friend will torture me mercilessly ( well not torture, but yell at me and angry friends can be torture, right?). Alright, the question is (actually the first question) After what episode does Samurai X : the Motion Picture take place? And my second question is, after what episode does Cowboy Bebop the Movie take place? My friend has been asking me this question for a while and I have been rackign my brains out trying to figure it out and I said I would look into it.......so here I am! Well, anyone that can answer my question, plese do ;________;. I will be very greatful ^_________^. Well, thank you for your time!
People have debated about specific episode numbers after which the two movies take place, but there is a general episode range that is agreed upon by most viewers.
The Cowboy Bebop movie, for example, has Ed, Ein, Faye, Jet, and Spike all together. That would mean it has to take place after the Bebop picked up Ed, but before Ed left the Bebop. Most people like to think that it takes place in the latter half of this range, but it really doesn't matter. The movie was created to exist independently from the series, so there are no connections to the plotline of the original episodes.
Thank you for letting me know. You have saved me from the torture of my friend's theories about it. Now I can give her the answer. I will of course, give you credit ^_____^. Thank you for taking the time to reply. Thank you so Much!
Specifically the Cowboy Bebop Movie took place between episode 22 - episode 24. (can't be after 24 because Faye and Ed leave that episode, Faye happens to come back though).
This is too cool! I have two answers now and bothof them are cprrect. Thank you for telling me. I have still had a debate about it, but now the answer is clear. Thank you!
Oh, yeah sorry for all of the typos. I don't usually profread all of the junk that I type . Sorry if it made any of you mad.
Quote:Originally posted by Batik
I don't usually profread all of the junk that I type .
proof readings for suckers with too much time on their hands

I should try to make more time on my hands. Lol.