ive ordered many times online but the past 2 times the sellers have mailed something with delievry confirmation using the DREADED electronically notified option.
i am gonna make a rule to myself to never buy from a person who electronically notifies the usps with that crap to me its the worst possible to do..
i have 2 problems with it.
1. the package is NOT ALL trackable even using the USPS track and confirm number i say its total BS.
2.accordring to the USPS only the SELLER who mailed the package has the option to track the package which is also BS..
well there you have it if only the sellers would just get off their lazy ass and go to the PO and let them scan the friggin thing it would be ok but no theyre too lazy to do that instead they would rather fax it email or however they do it electronically???.............
not when their lazy ass is shipping a ton of packages a day. If they're moving a good 50-100 boxes in a day, they can't just load up the van and drive to the PO. A PO truck will come by and pick them all up.
i forgot to mention that the electronic option is FREE while the seller charges an extra 70 cents for it when they dont even use the one thats trackable!!
just to let anyone know i am not talking about import anime i know some are easy to jump the gun..
the problem exists mainly with EBAY sellers ive gotten the electronic option a few times with deepdiscountDVD but i got the package its ok but USPS never updated their site its been a month already no information about it...
i mean whats the purpose of getting a DC# if you cant even track the package??
theres only ONE friggin way to track the package that is by going to the post office and talking to the supervisor..
if youve read their site it says u cant even call the USPS and track it!!!
its a bit of a hassle if you ask me but as long as i get it its ok i guess.
DC is free only via express and priority mail, if the seller does it electronically or has an account. If the seller doesn't, DC is not free. Another $0.50 to $0.60.
Even if the seller has an account, DC is NOT FREE for media mail/parcel post/first class. Seller still has to pay.
If you want updated tracking services, be willing to pay more for UPS, FEDEX, DHL. Another $2-$4.
Tracking # for USPS is not tracking # at all. It's just a Delivery Confirmation for the seller to confirm that the buyer has received the item. DC does not update during the transit period. Only when the item is delivered.
The only thing I would complain about is seller making you pay $7 for shipping, when they only ship via media mail for $1.50 for items less than 1lb.
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
DC is free only via express and priority mail, if the seller does it electronically or has an account. If the seller doesn't, DC is not free. Another $0.50 to $0.60.
nope. nope. DC costs an additional $0.45 if you're sending by priority mail and an additional $0.55 to add it to most other forms of mail.
I feel so dumb. I didn't realize until last week that I could send out DVD's via 'media mail' and save money. :mad:

I forgot how much DC cost because I never look at the receipts.
Actually, I'd rather not send via Media Mail because it has a high possibility of getting lost in the mail.
DDD sent via media mail for my WHR #3 since it was a pre-order. They had to resend because the post office lost the first copy.
I bought 4 sets of R1 on Ebay last mth. Sellers sent by media mail, I've only received a set, the rest, they are all lost or maybe never sent in the first place. I'm still waiting for my refunds on those but I doubt the sellers will refund since no replies to my emails or Paypal. Guess it's the credit card company to the rescue again.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
nope. nope. DC costs an additional $0.45 if you're sending by priority mail and an additional $0.55 to add it to most other forms of mail.
I feel so dumb. I didn't realize until last week that I could send out DVD's via 'media mail' and save money. :mad:
That's only if you're mailing thru the post office, if you pay for your postage online for priority mail, (via credit card and printing out the shipping label with the bar code) then DC is included and so is free.