Right now I'm watching Young Frankenstein for the 5th time in 3 weeks. I watche dthe Mel Brooks commentary last night and it was REALLY good. Mel really lets you in on how he directed it. It's more informative than humorous..the commentary I mean. The Movie is just comedy GOLD! Gene Wilder is such a god at comedy. Blazing Saddles is sweet too. I hope to own more Mel Brooks films. Space Balls comes to mind. I suggest Young Frankenstein to everyone!!!! I also suggest watching it with the comentary as well.
As I said above...Gene Wilder is AWESOME. You did see him do the flip in Willy Wonka?
um I just finished up watching jet li "Hero", and I watch Monster,and Party Monster in the last couple of days
I just watched "The Breakfast Club" again this morning. I still love it no matter how many times I watch it. I also recently bought "Big Fish", and watched it twice. Next time through it will be with commentary. I'm one of those freaky people that listen to all of the commentaries and watch every extra. I almost made this thread a couple of days ago, and I got sidetracked and didn't get around to it.
It is such a coincidence that you mentioned Gene Wilder. As I was reading your first post in this thread "Silver Streak" was on my television, and during the commercials AMC played a clip for Willy Wonka.

Last Samurai
Peter Pan
Rose Red (3X)
Diary of Ellen Rimbauer (2X)
Secret Garden(5X): I saw this on satellite last night...never really got bored of this show ever since I watched it the first time i think 8 years ago.
Saw Taking lives and it sucked you kew who it was from the get go...
Saw Warriors of Heaven and Earth yesterday. Liked it alot, epic feel to it, great scenery and some cool fighting scenes.
Today I saw Ichi the Killer which I did not enjoyed, there is a level of violence and gore one person can take and this went way over it.
I just saw legend of the sacred stone. It was the most intersting film I've seen in a long time. It remended me whenI was young and had GIJOES and tranformers and wanted to make them fight with magic and stuff. It's pretty cool to watch. I also saw the Japanese movie long dream. This movie has the look of low budget written all over it. Its's a pretty cool sotry with some twists but the lack of money made this movie kind of lame.
Hmm...last one I watched was The Virgin Suicides. Finally got around to see it since I liked Sofia Coppola's LIT so much. Virgin is only so so though. Didn't like it but I didn't hate it either. It was mehness. But the price was right. Only paid 6.99 at Walmart's bin.
Oh, jeez....I consented to seeing 13 going on 30. Not the worst, but not the best. I saw "man on fire" last night. It was pretty good. My favorite line was,"There are no tough people. only trained and untrained."
Just recently saw Brother, Jackie Brown for the 8th time, and The Gate. Hey Darkie if you like Mel Brooks' films you need to check out The Producers play based on his movie(probably my favorite Mel Brooks film right after Robin Hood: Men in Tights), its really good.
I just watched Star Trek VI recently. HOWEVER, it is the new special edition DVD, so it contains some cool stuff.
I saw both kill bill movies this weekend. They were not as good as I was expecting.
Last Sunday my family rented:
The Matrix2- A slightly stupid movie.
The Matrix3- A nearly stupid movie.
the newer texas Chainsaw Massicure- Stupid & Useless.
Cabin Fever- A waste of time...
I'm very hard to please when it comes to movies, because it the movie doesn't leave me with anything to remember it by, then I just write it off as trash.
recently watched dark city, lost in translation, and godsend(don't go see it, you'll want your money back).