i been watching my family guy dvds on off for a while now i cant beleive that show got canceled and that old simpsons is still on the air?? they even canceled futurama it just goes to show FOX is ran by idiots..
just got thru watching the eps.
one if by clam' two if by sea. ahhhh that ep was the funniest thing ive seen in a long time.
funniest part of it is when the clam gets blown down by the hurricane and some british people buy it. well did anyone see what peter said when they went into the building??? ((OH MY GOD ITS A GAY BAR))!! i will never forget that line or the reaction on the peoples face in the bar they were like wtf is he retarded or something??
Does anyone remember the Critic (Jon Lovitz)? It aired on ABC and Fox a few years back, then went to Comedy Central for a while.
"It stinks!"
"You're watching Fox. Shame on you."
etc., etc., etc.

yes i use to watch it on comedy central i cant believe they drew that guy he looks like he does in the cartoon its scary...
I love the critic, but I love familiy guy even better. Futurama is next in line then come south park then the simpsons, then beavis and butthead, then ren and stimpy. I hear there are starting up a new season of family guy up, can't wait fro that to air.
The Critic is CLASSIC!!!
My fave Fam Guy is probably the Anna And The King Ep. Peter kicks them all in their jewels and has a "Nukyular gamma ray"
the third season has to be the best episodes, when stewie shows his true colors
Lethal Weapons, To Live and Die in Dixie, Stuck Together-Torn Apart, European Road Show, and Family Guy Viewer Mail #1.
"Hey, has anyone seen my son? Yeah, he's here to finger the guy who held up that convenience store. Maybe you've seen him? His name is Chris Griffin, <slowly> Chris, Griffin </slowly>. Have you seen him? Oh, wait, I have a picture of him right here. -hands the convict the picture- Here, you can keep that one, Chris messed it up by writing his school schedule and list of fears on the back."
the best family guy episode is "when you wish upon a weinstein." it was never aired on fox because it was kinda racy. but hey, it was damn funny.
"peter, not all jews are good at math"
"well yeah, maybe not the retarded ones, but why would you even say that cleaveland? for shock value?"
My favorite was Mr. Griffin goes to Washington. I won't bother with quotes, but the whole thing was gold.
And not a whole episode, but the beginning of the episode Brian Does Hollywood (the only twoparter episode in the series) was hilarious. I laughed out loud at that part (rarely do that).