05-03-2004, 08:33 PM
Pages: 1 2
05-03-2004, 08:35 PM
Quote:Originally posted by Vile
so i love FLCL a whole lot.
with that in mind, would i like excel saga? people always seem to be comparing them. what are your thoughts?
NO WAY! FLCL and Excel Saga are totally different, IMHO.
Excel Saga is an annoying 26 episodes of nothing... I have to force myself to watch that crap.
FLCL is way better.
05-03-2004, 08:51 PM
i have seen 2 episodes of the series so far and im not to into it its just not good its one of those titles its hard to watch more than 2 episodes in one sitting.
FLCL is awesome i loved it i have the series on dvd.
FLCL is awesome i loved it i have the series on dvd.
05-03-2004, 08:56 PM
I think with Excel Saga, you just need a extensive background with animation to really enjoy.
05-03-2004, 09:00 PM
Quote:Originally posted by ElVaquero
I think with Excel Saga, you just need a extensive background with animation to really enjoy.
I disagree.. I get the jokes, but they aren't funny.. Overtalking nonstop kidding around just bothers me now a days. I can't watch that garbage anymore. Corny anime comedies.. Bleh.
05-03-2004, 09:13 PM
Excel Saga is one of those love it/hate it anime's. I personally liked it, but with many conditions. The episodes range from good, to bad, to great, to awful. You will laugh, you will cry (not really), you will be bored, and then you will laugh some more. you will So....Ummm....I recommend renting the first dvd if anyone arround you has it.
05-03-2004, 09:37 PM
Excel is kinda stupid. You might like it if you like nonsense anime.
05-04-2004, 12:12 AM
FLCL rules, one of my favorites.
Excel Saga, let's say I couldnt get pass episode 5.
Excel Saga, let's say I couldnt get pass episode 5.
05-04-2004, 12:29 AM
I think I made it to Episode 3...maybe...not sure. Lost consciousness due to insane stupidity on the part of Excel Saga!
05-04-2004, 01:24 AM
Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
FLCL rules, one of my favorites.
Excel Saga, let's say I couldnt get pass episode 5.
Same here, I couldn't get pass episode 9, I think. I tried twice but couldn't make it.
05-04-2004, 05:20 AM
I enjoyed all 26 episodes of Excel Saga, of course I like sophmoric, insanely stupid humor. Just check it out yourself and see if you dig it or not.
05-04-2004, 05:26 AM
I am on episode 6 as well.. LOL still cant watch it and I have the FX set.
05-04-2004, 08:15 AM
Personally, I loved Excel Saga to death. I watched the whole thing straight through, then again I think things that are completely and utterly random are the funniest things ever. I loved FLCL too, but I wouldn't compare them. Actually...the anime that most reminds me of FLCL, though there isn't really anything else like it, is Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi. I really don't know if you'd like Excel or not, there's a lot of negative stuff here, but you see lots of people who give it 5 out of 5.
05-04-2004, 10:54 AM
What sets FLCL apart from other comedies is that it's surprisingly deep with lots of themes. It's also an anime you really have to think about to make sense of it. It's one of my favorites. I own all three R1's
(of all five R1's I own).
Personally, I'll pass on Excel Saga.

Personally, I'll pass on Excel Saga.
05-04-2004, 11:24 AM
I couldn't stand either series.
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