I'm considering buy some of there but the reviews on this site are a little sparce. Can some one either direct me to a website that has more reviews on the disc or just tell me about them. Are they good quality? Are they worth the money you pay for them? Are the subtitles done well? Basically is it worth it to buy these is there a better set. WOuld it be smarter to wait for a better set?
N-o. Buy these MI sets while you can... I have all 12. And I will be soon watching them all, so if you can wait for my reviews that would be good. But I am telling you that the video quality is awesome. Of course there is minor pixelation when fast fight scenes go on but you won't notice since you will be hooked on watching.
The subs are good except for the common misplaced translation of the names, which is easy to figure out. Yimcha = Yamcha, Kamesennin aka Master Roshi = Master Goten, Vegeta = Dende, Dende = DanDan...
It gets better though in the later sets. But the names is no big deal. The subs are pretty accurate and have good grammar. I say go for the sets while you still can.
i cant wait to get my dbz mi dvds to come in the mail after seeing the screen shots that jaded god posted THANK YOU!!..
i tryed watching the dubbed dbz again from episode 1 i noticed it was way too childish for me now that i am 20+ years old.....
i have high hopes on the MI dvds since ive read the reviews and after the screens posted and peeps said the video was remastered!!!
take the tree of might dvd for example its UNCUT with dual language i watched both the duubed first then the original audio.
the tree of might dub sucks and that being generous..the original audio is awesome i like when gohan yells out masenko!! then on the dub he says something stupid like powerball or blast...
i have seen all 293 dubbed eps on toonami.
so i finally get to watch it uncut!! not the kiddified crap i used to watch ahh its gonna be sweet!!
I waiting to order that sets too. (but i must wait for PayPal (im from Poland and hope it will be in my country soon)). I just cant wait anymore to buy last set and watch Trunks special and Saiyajin Zetsu Metsu Keikaku (and of course episodes)

English dubing S U C K S !!! No one can do voice like Japanese seiyuu.
Quote:Originally posted by casshan83
i cant wait to get my dbz mi dvds to come in the mail after seeing the screen shots that jaded god posted THANK YOU!!..
i tryed watching the dubbed dbz again from episode 1 i noticed it was way too childish for me now that i am 20+ years old.....
i have high hopes on the MI dvds since ive read the reviews and after the screens posted and peeps said the video was remastered!!!
take the tree of might dvd for example its UNCUT with dual language i watched both the duubed first then the original audio.
the tree of might dub sucks and that being generous..the original audio is awesome i like when gohan yells out masenko!! then on the dub he says something stupid like powerball or blast...
i have seen all 293 dubbed eps on toonami.
so i finally get to watch it uncut!! not the kiddified crap i used to watch ahh its gonna be sweet!!
Hmm don't know how you watched 293 episodes on Toonami, considering there are only 291 japanese eps.. And FUNimation only released 276 here in the US, that's what they finished at.
thats right pioneer/ funimation skipped a lotta episodes..well i have seen everyone thats came on cartoon network so far.
does anyone remember when DBZ came on toonami before it was available for purchase at the zstore that was cool while it lasted..??
well ive seen 271 so far plus the 3 first movies.
i figured i was missing something with how pioneer skipped some eps
You recomend the MI set over any other set right now? Do you think they will come out with another set in the future or funimation has essentially ruined the way Dragon ball was supposed to be vied?
I don't know, just buy the MI releases they are as close as you will get to the real deal right now. Unless someone is going to rerip the dragonbox or add better subs, this is it.
I doubt someone will redo the dragonbox set... If anything they will rip the MI set.
So unless you want rips from the funimations dvds... Go for the MI sets.. It really isn't that hard of a decision.
if youve seen the all the dubs why would you want them?? i know some will like the mac set cause it has the pioneer/funi dubs on them but remember those company have editied the crap out of it.
get the MI version instead if you want the eps uncut!!..
is it just me or does the dub goku sound like he has himroids or is tying to take a crap when he screams?? lol ahahaa!!!??
no doubt about it, hands down the Mi sets are worth it in terms of completeness, uncut with all those things funimation cut out to make it nicer for little kids. Again, are the subs well done? aside from the names and such is the grammar well done. Stuff like subject object agreement and tense markers? I'm asking because I'm getting this set for a friend that does not understand japanese at all and has only the subs to go on.
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
no doubt about it, hands down the Mi sets are worth it in terms of completeness, uncut with all those things funimation cut out to make it nicer for little kids. Again, are the subs well done? aside from the names and such is the grammar well done. Stuff like subject object agreement and tense markers? I'm asking because I'm getting this set for a friend that does not understand japanese at all and has only the subs to go on.
read my second post.. I talked all about the subs. :o