well i bought the SM HK sets 1 and 2 (eps 1-72)
of the dodgy dub
coz i own every SM HK set and all the eps on Fansubs
but when will they complete the set ie eps 73-82
have any HK companies ripped vols 13 and 14 of the region1 yet
in order to complete the US seasons 1-3 (jap1-2)
i need closure
if not where are the cheapest places on the net to buy the 2 r1's i need in terms of international orders (ie England)
ive checked Deepdiscount and discountanime dvd etc but are there any other recommendations?
Could you order from
http://www.rightstuf.com/ ?
They usually have good deals on region 1 DVDs. I'm not sure where to get Sailor Moon HK. I never see them O.o. I want Sailor Stars but it doesn't exist or so it seems. I wish I could have bought the first two seasons on region 0 since they have so many glitches and costed so much (I preordered and bought for full price).
Mac and MI released a good set of Sailor Stars, but they were never released in America.
Aww, is there anyway to order from someplace. even a Japn site that could ship to the USA?
You can request the Sailor Stars set from JJ, they have good subtitles.
Quote:Originally posted by Pristine
I'm not certain what JJ is...is it...
JJ = JunkieJoe, the man in charge here

JJ is JunkieJoe (nickname). He's the seller of anime on this site. He's not a website.
Just do a request under the 'request' forum for the sets you want.
Err sorry o.o
I'm a baka just as the subtitle cleary states under my sn ^^;
Thanks for the help though. I'll make sure to do that if JJ won't mind or anything. I don't want to be some demanding *beep*
all the HK's of sailormoon are top notch
look in the p section for the reviews of Sailor stars
its under pretty soldier
the rest of the HK's are under s section
but i'm still not sure if there is not SailorMoon R uncut yet nor sailor super s HK out

ehhhh hum anyone willing to help RAV?
i need completion damn it!
I was able to get Sailor Stars off of ebay. I've never seen it anywhere else. I'm not sure who put it out, but it had the entire series with Japanese dialogue and English subtitles.