I've beaten 1, 2, and 3 now. Just wondering if anyone here thinks the game could keep going after the newly released outbreak for PS2. I'd like to see how they keep going after 3's ending.
there is RE4 in production on the gamecube right now..
Quote:Originally posted by Schultz
there is RE4 in production on the gamecube right now..
Yup and it's looking sweet.

Quote:Originally posted by tsunami
I've beaten 1, 2, and 3 now. Just wondering if anyone here thinks the game could keep going after the newly released outbreak for PS2. I'd like to see how they keep going after 3's ending.
i recommend beating the other ones aswell ie 0 and CV
well I am in agreement with tsunami... I don't see how there could have been a story "For Raccoon City after RE 3". If I read the details right though... First this game does nothing to continue or further the RE story. So this is just a Dawn of the Dead raped up with the RE lable. Second RE 4 is coming out for the GC and it will take the series story further and reunite some old charcters.
PS they Should call the Game RE SLOW or PLease WAit it takes for ever to do any thing
i didn't care much for the remake of resident evil 1 on game cube. the graphics were amazing but the crimson heads just made the game annoying. it just wasn't enough to kill the undead once but had to do it twice
Quote:Originally posted by israfel
i didn't care much for the remake of resident evil 1 on game cube. the graphics were amazing but the crimson heads just made the game annoying. it just wasn't enough to kill the undead once but had to do it twice
Well the trick to that was get some Lighter Oil and Lighter and Burn the Zombies after you kill them and then the Cromson heads wouldn't be there..
Hey schultz remeber what I had to say about the lighting on fire the zombies... I wonder if you still have that video...hum
i know about lighting them on fire and trying to blow thier heads off, but it's was an annoying process plus running out of fuel and having to backtrack back and forth to refuel and change items was an unnesessary addition to the game. i enjoyed the remake, but not that change to it
definately very annoying!
Yea I felt the same way but I like the fact that burn them they are truly gone... hell that's how most zombie movies are either total lost of head or burn t9o toast, but it did get on my nerves...
just saw the E3 resident evil 4 trailer
Oh my God it looks so sweet i cant wait!
theres zombie monk things!!! AWESOM-0
i'll definately pick up resident evil 4, i'm a big fan of any servival horror games. fatal frame was pretty discent, but silent hill has to be the best series.
Silent Hill is great I just wish it would hit more systems. Now with the new RE game I wonder where the story will go. The story needs to be wraped up. But if the new RE doesn't have the Redfields in it I don't see how it can end... Any ideas...?
I don't see the series ending anytime soon, because in the game Umbrella corp is world wide, it would be pretty difficult to stop them completely. therefore, plenty of games that could take place all over the world. The game would probably pick up sometime after code veronica, since racoon city has been destroyed