Just got it today and getting ready to watch it tonight ! looks awesome ive been wanting to se it for awhile now and its finally here ! it looks dark and full of action. has anyone seen this movie yet?
the dvd is a 2 dvd set i guess alot of extras, well now reading the second disc it looks like a shit load of them are on disc 2.
so any onhe siked to see it ?
have you seen it ?
let me know your thoughs on this new release due out tuesday.
I saw it in the theaters. It was ok, not that great. I just thought they really made it overly dramatic for the whole "noble POW" genre.
well i know right away its going to be dramatic cause tom cruise is in it and he has to do shit like that to get his stuff out there. i think alot of movies do so bad cause they do that to much drama. i hope i like it a little. im just into that old style of culture and hopefully they acted it out right and didnt f*ck it up.
I personally really enjoyed the movie.. I need to pick it up on dvd.. But it probably won't be a few weeks tills its actually avaiable here.. Though i have downloaded it and watched the avi files quite a few times..
I saw the movie in the theater and really liked it. I will own the DVD when it finally comes out.
Personally I njoyed the movie, good action, good character development but mostly because it was about a real event that happened during the Meiji (sp?) Revolution in Japan in 1868 even though the samuri revolution happened in the early 1870's
I also think the movie was really good, i plan on buying it on DVD when it comes out
it is a good movie, done very well, but the whole thing with custard was annoying
I loved the film. Only thing I didn't like was the end and how he gets to live while everyone else dies. That was a little too unrealistic.
the movie was damn good.
it was a good balance of drama and action. very good movie ! i dont like tom cruise but he was good in this movie. the extras were awesome as well alot of behind the scenes, costumes, weapons, traning and a bunch of other extras on disc 2.
i will buy it as soon as tuesday rools around.
Scary movie 3 in 2 weeks one for me !
i saw it in theatre twice (second time free) and i thought it was a very good movie and not made into a gung ho
"geniune bonefide american hero"
movie coz you never know with hollywood!
I thought it was a great movie

! But, I aggree with Vicious on the unrealistic ending... If he had died they wouldn't have had to make him go back to where he was.. staying with the wife of the samurai he killed.
I'd like to get it on DVD, though

Ok, film. I probably would've been more impressed if I saw it in the theatres before ROTK as the battles were more epic in the latter film. I agree with the others that the ending was a cop out though.