I just looked at the screen shot of the FMP cover and it says there are 24 eps. on the cover. But then I look at the decription and it says there is 26 eps. Which is it??
Also, would it be risky to buy FMP this early in production, or should I wait a while?
There's only 24 ep in FMP.
I took a chance and ordered a copy of FMP today. The recently added reviews for it were perfect scores and neither mentioned any problems.
(26 eps is a misprint, it should be 24 eps.)
Did you order the FX set? The FX set appears to be fine.
Yeah it was the FX set. Jaded, thats reassuring news since i'm always a little worried about first run FX sets. I've gotten a couple of bad discs from fx in the past when I ordered them right away.
I fixed the discription on the FX set (set it to 24)
Quote:Originally posted by Ramonk
Yeah it was the FX set. Jaded, thats reassuring news since i'm always a little worried about first run FX sets. I've gotten a couple of bad discs from fx in the past when I ordered them right away.
Yea I know what you mean... This christmas I ordered a ton of sets. I haven't had time to check them all. But, I have played random kenshin discs from my FX set and I have start and stop glitches on one of the discs. I heard there was a bad batch around christmas. I pray my others aren't all like that either.
Cool, I gess ill buy it then, I get more money in two days, then I can order some anime.
its a great set mine is fine im done with disc one.
it froze on episode 8 alot on my xbox though !
i had to use it on my non region dvd player and it worked perfectly. great set ! but so far my fav new set is Chobits from AV its so funny !
So would it work on like a $50 Phillips player?? Thats what I have.
Also, when does the FX one come out for Chobits?
mine was a 90+ daewoo off ebay.
not sure but the AV set is ok so far. im glad i got it !
ill probaly get the FX set if it is way better it is a good series its like love hina to me i love that title it is one of my top 3.
I meant the FMP set, but thats ok.
My player reads my other FX set so I dont know why it wouldnt on this one.
I bought FMP while it was being released in the seven boxes. that made quit a dent in my pocket book.