its worse that Lord of the Rings Return of the King...
so much bullshit boring talk it was unbelievable... if it wasnt for Volume 1 being good, i would have walked out of the theatre... 2:30 hours of my life that I will never get back
Leave it to JJ to go against the flow...hehe.
I haven't seen either yet. I will watch them at least once. It may be a good experience, it maybe a bad experience, but we learn from all experiences.
ha, allow me to go against the flow too!
I didn't like volume 1.
While there is no specific reason for me to dislike it, there shouldn't be. THere should be a reason for me to like it, and to be honest, there is no reason for me to like it. It's just a two hour gore-a-thon with little plot. I thought it was boring, especially considering Uma Thermon's bad acting.
Me neither, it felt like a mockery of everything I watched as I was growing up, almost as if Tarrantino was poking fun, rather than honoring chinese kung-fu flicks. I enjoyed Vol. 2 mainly cause Lucy Liu wasn't in it, that bitch is ugly (what do people see in her) and insane (she once said she was fucked by a ghost). Anyways, the Vol. 2 had more dialog, which was nice, and *spoiler* Beatrice taking out Elle Driver's eye was satisfying, to say the least.
I like Lucy Lui...

I thought Kill Bill both volumes were great, I don't see where he was mocking Kung-Fu films. I thought he did a great job paying homage to them, for God sake Gordon Lui and Sonny Chiba are in it, that by itself is fucking awesome!!! Yes these movies are movies I have seen already, but its just another case of art imitating art, people have been doing it for ages. Its not my favorite Tarantino movie, I still like Jackie Brown the best, but it was still an entertaining movie nonetheless. As far as Lucy Lui she's Ok, at least she doesn't have big ass feet like Uma, man that was one scene I could have lived without.
I enjoyed Vol 2 much more than Vol 1.
However, I didn't enjoy them or indeed rate them higher than Tarantino's first three films, particularly Dogs and Pulp.
Volume 1 sucked so bad that I didn't even bothered to want to watch Vol. 2.
I watched Volume 1 for Lucy Liu, if not for her, that whole show is worthless. Uma's clumsy as hell when weaving her samurai sword, yet, she could kill 50-60 ppl, without vomitting blood, breaking a leg. She could be hit by a spike ball twice or thrice and be up in a jiffy to continue the fight..............Hell no!
I seriously don't understand why 'guai lous' like Kill Bill so much. Other than the blood and cutting ppl into halves, the show has no substance....
well here are my 2 cents... After seeing the first movie... and the reading the reviews of the second film I was setting myself up (for a disappointment) for what I thought was going to be a good actio flick...wrong...wrong...wrong. The second film was all back story on why we should feel for the black mamba and how it came to be she was killing all of them. Hell the fight scene with Driver was shorter than the fight scene between her and cottenmouth from the first movie. (how dumb is that) But this is Tarantino and his style is to mix it up a bit and then your brain sorts out how it happened in timeline order. But unlike Pulp Ficton we don't get the whole movie in a 2:15 chunk no we get it in to Volumes that I feel if I get on DVD I am going reorganize it and then make my own DVD and then it will be a better movie watch just me talking here...
wasnt kill bill supposed to be a parody of ku-fung and japanese shows, if it wasnt then it must have been one of the worst serious film ever! i havent seen vol 2 yet but i know i wont be too impressed when i do.
i just knew i wasnt the only who noticed them bigass feet of hers..
killbill VOL:2 was ok..
quentin tarrantino is sick..i will never forget what he said during dusk till dawn it was funny as hell at the same time weird and gross.
GIRL: hey do you wanna eat my P****??
when i seen that he imagined that in his head i nearly died laughing!! i was like he's friggin insane!!!
or about how he raped and killed the fat chick.i swear i used to think thats what he was really like....ahahahaha.
people just seem to forget that vol 1 and 2 are one movie that was split in two. the first movie was all violence and no plot where as the second was all plot and some violence. so if you watch one and not the other the movie is lacking, but together it is a very good film. IF you don't like tarantino films you won't like this one. tarantino has a humorous outlook on violence and it shows in all of his films. from what i see quentin doesn't make fun of or mock anything, he just likes to reference everything, which makes his films interesting and over most peoples heads. kill bill is no different than pulp fiction or reservoir dogs in how it was made or filmed. it felt like quentin. you can't take his films seriously either, they are not ment to be that way. i personally like movie makers who don't make hollywood bullshit. there is too much of it.
I liked Kill Bill and thought the movie was bad ass. People put way too much thought into stuff when they're watching it. I just watched it for what it was . . . an action kung fu/spaghetti western type flick and I loved it.
And Tarantino wasn't parodying anything. If you watch the extras on the disc, you find out who he has 8mm? or 35 mm? originals of lot of these old kung fu flicks. He genuinely likes them. He likes some anime too. He was trying to incorporate alot of that into his film. If you go into it expecting some good old fashioned action, the movie delivers. If you go in expecting some Shakespeare or something that's not gonna be ther, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
Also, I didn't need to see her feet either. Her 2nd toe is longer than her big toe and I didn't need a 5 minute close up of that.
tarantino wants or is supposed to do an anime, centered around bill and his story. since his story(how he became who he was) isn't really explained in the movie
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
If you watch the extras on the disc, you find out who he has 8mm? or 35 mm? originals of lot of these old kung fu flicks.
8mm prints? I think not