04-29-2004, 12:13 AM
Pages: 1 2
04-29-2004, 12:24 AM
What kind of question is that?!?!
04-29-2004, 12:26 AM
Only if your mistress doesn't mind.
04-29-2004, 01:53 AM
If any of youguys were married would you think it would be alright to sometimes refer to your wife as a really good girl friend. I mean, technically if your married she should be your good friend right so therfore you should be able to call them girl friend right?
04-29-2004, 02:05 AM
Wait...you are saying calling your wife, just a good female friend instead of your girlfriend?
I'll kick the shit out of my husband's ass if he ever just told others especially a female friend that I'm just a friend. Heheh j/k won't kick the hell out of him but another pt on the way to getting a divorce....
I'll kick the shit out of my husband's ass if he ever just told others especially a female friend that I'm just a friend. Heheh j/k won't kick the hell out of him but another pt on the way to getting a divorce....
04-29-2004, 02:47 AM
My husband is my best friend...as far as males go. I'm not his girlfriend though...I'm his wife. I would kick him if he called me girl friend.
04-29-2004, 04:02 AM
I think this is something that has to be decided between the actual husband and wife.
Personally, I think that calling your wife a girl friend is demoting her to a lower status. Girl friend implies something less serious than marriage.
Besides, if I just said girl friend, all my friends would think I was talking about my mistress.
Personally, I think that calling your wife a girl friend is demoting her to a lower status. Girl friend implies something less serious than marriage.
Besides, if I just said girl friend, all my friends would think I was talking about my mistress.
04-29-2004, 05:52 AM
Why would you call your wife, your girlfriend? :confused:
04-29-2004, 06:30 AM
If you are speaking to another female and you refer to your wife as a really good girl friend...and she hears you.
You would not be married or male for much longer!:eek:
You would not be married or male for much longer!:eek:

04-29-2004, 08:33 AM
Yeah that's retarded and degrading. Matt said it best, only if your mistress doesn't mind.
04-29-2004, 11:13 AM
So let me get this straight.... Wife is a wife and a girlfriend is a mistress if you are married....:confused:
For me it is simple when I get a wife she is my wife or "old lady" (to the guys or those whose wife's don't mind being called that) and to all other women they have turned into old friends (as in that she is old compared to the wife) or ex friends (old friends & ex friends are both female catogries)
For me it is simple when I get a wife she is my wife or "old lady" (to the guys or those whose wife's don't mind being called that) and to all other women they have turned into old friends (as in that she is old compared to the wife) or ex friends (old friends & ex friends are both female catogries)
04-29-2004, 12:00 PM
Well with his wording it seems he has a mistress rather than a girly friend.
04-29-2004, 02:50 PM
Quote:Originally posted by morgorath
...For me it is simple when I get a wife she is my wife or "old lady" (to the guys or those whose wife's don't mind being called that)...
04-29-2004, 03:08 PM
When I first moved to USA, I didn't understand the term 'old lady'. I thought my friend was referring to his MOM!!!

04-29-2004, 08:56 PM
All the people I know who use the term "old lady" are pretty miserable in their marriages...
or bikers...
or bikers...
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