I heard the opinion many times, "zombies are the lamest of all the monsters." I think zombies are frightful creatures that conjure up some the most scariest dreams and ideas imaginable. Sure vampires are ferocious but they are generally portrayed as suave gothic characters and the werewolf are scary but zombies take the cheese. There is something about people flesh and guts hanging from limbs and at the same time trying to eat your brains, creepy as hell. the way they were portrayed in Dawn of the Dead made it feel like Zobies are the unstopable killing machines. Indiscriminatroy killers of evil. I swear I've had more Zombie nightmares than anything else. Damn I hate zombies but I appreciate how paranoid they made feel in the dark.
I think Zombies are pretty "essential" to horror. I like them a lot. Actually the WereWolf is a pretty lame charadter in my opinion. I've yet to see a good werewolf movie. I have seen a LOT of werewolf movies too and they all suck in some way that lowers my opinion of them.
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
I have seen a LOT of werewolf movies too and they all suck in some way that lowers my opinion of them.
Underworld was rather neat.
I thought the original Howling was good for its time, and An American Werewolf in London had great special effects too.
Yes I agree that underworld made the were wolf look pretty antagonistic but what about that half werewolf half vampire creature? I think the movie people should explore that creature in a sequal or something. AS for Howling, I sure do remeber howling growing up. And, I think howling 2 or 3 were best of that bunch, I think the directors of the time were trying to make the werewolf more sexy because thats what I remember most abou those movies, scantily clad women werewolves.
Slow ass zombies are quite lame since u can walk right past them and they are of no immediate threat unless you encounter them in groups or are trapped.
However, it is a different story when you come up against the olympic athlete, spiderman wall climbing & highly sensitive human radar ones of Dawn of the Dead or even the gun shooting ones of Nightmare City.
I really didn't like Underworld as anything more than something to look at, for the whole feel of the movie fell short for me.
Best Werewolf movie I can recall would have to be American Werewolf in Paris or something like that, I don't really remember.
To me zombies are just to weak alone as someone else before me said. I mean give a man a long sharp blade & he can take them of in ways of 5. Give the man a chain saw & he could probably take them on 10 at a time.
And although werewolves are neat, I like Vampires more because of their charming nature. Were as a werewolf would rape someone, a vampire would charm them into loving them.
But, for me the mother of all monsters would have to be the "demon spirit" (aka Evilness in the Forest) of Evil Dead. It takes people with little notice, then the only way to defeat one is complete body dismemberment.
How would you feel if you had to chop everyone of your friends up into little peices till you were the last living being?
The best werewolf movie ever made is "Silver Bullet".

i think the greatest appeal of zombies are that they are people too, not quite dead, not quite alive, but people none the less. evil dead seems to deal with the issue that "its a zombie, but it was your best mate 5 mins ago", although i would like to see these issue explored to a greater extent, anyone know any movies that do this?
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
evil dead seems to deal with the issue that "its a zombie, but it was your best mate 5 mins ago", although i would like to see these issue explored to a greater extent, anyone know any movies that do this?
I know Dead/Alive is kinda of a comedy, & I've never seen it, but it's about a kid whose mother turns into a zombie & he refuses to beleive it & tries to act like it didn't happen (or so I've read).
As for the Evil Dead part, yeah it seemed confusing for Ashley when his best friend hacks up his own girlfriend. Then Ashley has to fight off his girlfriend, whom he takes to the woodshed, straps down, & pulls out the chain saw on, but his love for her keeps him from chopping her up.
I mean I really like the way they had it seem realistic, where he starts to loose his sanity before he really fights back.
Dead Alive was funny. Watch it for the lawn mower sequence.

Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
The best werewolf movie ever made is "Silver Bullet".
Don't forget Monster Squad...that had a werewolf too.
I saw monster squad with Aliens, I thought Aliens was, and still is one of the best movies I've seen. As for Silver Bullet, my dad liked it, i tought it was ok.
The "Silver Bullet" comment was strictly sarcastic.

I figured on that it was little funny considering the movie. Anyway The xenomorhps in aliena thoae were and the best alien yet to be created.