Isn't it funny that "manga and anime" were GREATLY influenced by Disney to draw the way it's all drawn. The high arching eyes come to mind, like Bulmas eyes from DB/DBZ. And now companies like Marvel and all are making "American Manga" (which are all LAME btw) like the Mangaverse:mad: BLECH. Why are we ripping ourselves off?
Any thoughts?:confused:
I stoped buying american comic 8 yeas ago. the stories were becoming less and les orignal and the good artists started dissappearing. If you know Jim lee, Former X men comic book artisit, he would make a cool manga artist. As for comics today they are over priced and companied with lame uninteresting art makes for bad product. The medium needs to be alterd somehow
Japanese comics are less reliant on shading and realism while american comics are all about shading and how close to real-life the characters look. As with anything after awhile almost every idea has been done so that forces someone down the line to all of the sudden make a breakthrough. This is what a lot of anime story writers are experiencing cause big ideas have been done already and now they have to find new things to come up with. But yeah I think it sucks that americans would copy the japanese's style.
Me and one of my friend Lucas get into disscussions like this everytime he buys a new Batman comic...
But, his excuse for not buying manga is that it's so interesting & long that he could never afford to satisfy himself. Which I can agree to a point because when you start a series & you catch up to the last issue, which many times for me has been a chilfhanger, you get a bit upset, but that just makes the next volume even better.
Anyways, yeah, I agree with what you guys have said so far, espeicaly the part where American comics aren't to inventive these days.
Surely few mangas could rival the length of the core Marvel & DC titles which seem to have been running since the beginning of time!
That's why American Comics suck now. They've been here forever and never end.
I would definitely have more respect for American comics if they would end. When a comic goes on forever it gives you the feeling that nothing the characters do makes any difference. You know the character will always make out in the end, because their name is on the book.
But how often does an anime end tragically... not that often...
On the other hand it makes it all the more dramatic when they kill off the superhero due to low sales...

Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
I stoped buying american comic 8 yeas ago. the stories were becoming less and les orignal and the good artists started dissappearing. If you know Jim lee, Former X men comic book artisit, he would make a cool manga artist. As for comics today they are over priced and companied with lame uninteresting art makes for bad product. The medium needs to be alterd somehow
Same with me I stop buying comics a long time ago. Comic books isn't as popular as it was and rightly so due to bad stories in comics has now.
Now Battle Angel Alita and Berserk are worth reading.