I was just wondering how meny active members this site has. As for me i consider my self an active member. How about you?
I've been on everyday for about a month (at some point during the day at different lengths of time)

. I don't hang around any other forums though... just this one. That's all I need.
I am here every day i am at school, and usually some time during the weekend. I am also a member of Somethingawful.com, and it's too hard to keep up with the 30,000 members and the many threads. There is an incredible amount of information there though. The bittorrents are good too.
I've been an active user here since 07-23-2002. I probably will continue to be one until I or the site dies.

Im on every day at school, somtimes on weekend if im going to order something.
I wouldn't consider myself an active member but I've been here since 09-21-2002
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
I wouldn't consider myself an active member but I've been here since 09-21-2002
Over 2200 posts. I'd say that's pretty active. Give me another year or two and I might finally pass you.

Give me another 100 or 200 years, and I might just maybe pass either of you

I've been visiting this site & forum since about a week after it was up, or maybe a few days after it was up; but I never posted on the forum for about a month after I started visiting. Also ever since then the site is the home page of all browsers that I use so I technically visit the site everytime I get on-line.
I think people's post count says a bit about how frequently somebody visits.
Then again, I think that Batz did most of his 1500 posts in a month long period (which I mostly ignored).
I check here a few times a day and speak up when I have something to say or am looking for some sort of feedback.
I go on my in and out periods. I haven't been replying or posting very much recently, but I generally stop by every day or every other day.
I usually to make it at least once a day.
everyday 2-3 times !
since jan. 2004 then i joined in feb. to the boards!
well um.. i have been here before the site went live.. and was the first user registered with the site.. ;o)