I was wondering you guys considered that idae about putting a red check mark or something next to a title in the profile section to show that a review was done by that person. It would definitely help the peopl who have lots of anime but can't remember what reviews they did or have not done with out going through the cumbersome methods of finding which anime was reviwed.
That's a good idea. I wanted to write some small reviews for the animes i own that way once but didn't do it because of that reason. You see the review stars in the store section so it should be possible to do it in the profile section aswell.
we need markers for the reviews we've done in our profile section.
Thank you
Yes I agree, if it isn't too much trouble Schultz

I will try and do a quick hack to the site to get this done.. Since i don't have too much time to work on the site at the current moment.
Thanks for the support man. I'm sure it will make the site much more accessable.
Ok just wondering for clairification.. When you want this Red checkmark do you want this to appear on the DVD Listing page when you are browsing throw the dvd's? and just not something in your profile?
Both would be good. In fact this red check mark, or what ever your decide to use to indicate reviews done, should be seen in the store, in the dvd reviews and in the profile section of any particular logged in member. I think this will definitely promote the writing of reviews. I often don't write them because i don't know which one's I've reveiwed and have not reviewed. profile section if any would be the best though.
If you could just put the stars (1 to 5) in the profile section just as they are in the review/store section that would be perfect. Just so we know if a review of the series we own have been done or not.
Well for one if you go to your Site Profile you can at least see the last 10 reviews you have done.. Maybe i should expand this out more? now make sure you are going to profile at the top of the page and not your forum profiles..
would it be difficult to implement a marker system that simply mark which review you've done in either the store of the dvd review listing or the dvd profile? Or, all together?