Hey folks,
Up till now I've always just used automated programs to make web pages. Over the last 48 hours I taught myself a bit of coding and built a web page to promote my new business as a photographer.
I just got
www.szilvagyi.com up and running and would like some feedback from folks. The front page is just a window for the family. I plan on adding pages for Rebecca and Katina soon. Right now I'm kind of proud of my Photography pages.
I'm open to any constructive criticisms anyone may have.
Thanks for looking.
sweet stuff !
i need you for my website !
we are going to do promotions and reviews for multimedia !
With your help we can use your pics and also have you up for work for projects like bands and movies that need photos taken, its a win win deal!
let me know if your intrested ?
Glad you like the site.
For photos, are you looking for images from up here in Ontario or would you guys fly me down to NM to shoot?
That is a NICE site dude. How long did you work on it? I love th eway your links are made.
Wow, it looks really nice even if you do say you're a beginner.
It's not as flashy as I'd like, but considering that it's for a business and you're a beginner, it's not bad. Much better than anything I could do.
My main concern with your site is the name will be kind of hard for people to remember. I'm assuming it's your last name, but I can easily see people not being able to get to the site unless they have it written down in front of them.
Also, for some reason, the email link doesn't work for me. It' asks me for a password and stuff.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Also, for some reason, the email link doesn't work for me. It' asks me for a password and stuff.
his link is a simple mailto:
you just need to set up your email software to handle it. it probably wants the password for your smtp server.
it would be up to the companies !
i would like you to make the site thoguh from there !
and ytou can take pics and alter them to make a cool site for the company i want to start.
Definitely not bad for starters
for the big circle that you can click on, it's kinda confusing if the whole circle is a button that goes somewhere or if each of the pictures will lead to somewhere different. maybe you can change the html to have a rollover where the image will change into words that will say where it'll go if you put your cursor over the picture.
when you get the other two sections (rebecca and katina) going, it would be nice to have a link from the joseph page straight to any one of those two.
other than that, it's cool! good luck!
It looks good but in the text promoting weddings/portraits etc. it sounds really weird that you mention your own name so often. J.S. does this, J.S. always does that. It might be better to substitute your name for "I" or "the photographer" or "a good photographer always..." sometimes so that it isn't mentioned so often. This way it comes over as if you feel more special than other photografers (this doesn't sound right but I have no better words, hope you get my point).
Ps, those are some nice racing pictures. I love racing and I'm a big formula one fan. Did you take those yourself aswell and do you ever go to F1 in Indianapolis?
Thanks for all the feedback folks... I'll be making changes later today.
Every image on the site was shot by myself.
For the racing photos, my favourite type of races are the LeMans style but I have been to the Montreal and Indianapolis Grand Prix races. I do have photos from those races but they aren't as good as what I shot for the ALMS (I didn't have a photo pass and Grand Prix security is WAY tighter).
For remembering the name, I've got business cards and am making flyers to get people to remember it. These two things should give people an easy way to remember me.
The update to the site should be done early this afternoon.
Whoa zagatto! i like the site alot- but i think the font needs a bit spiffying up.
I like the circular layout of the photo thumbs contrary to the above user up there, but just chiming in my .03 cents.
For something that preliminary, that is some impressive site!

the circles are neat, but I think a bit of work to make the rest of the page a bit more spiffy would go a long way, including links on the side (using tables, not frames) and a decent banner (nothing to flash, something a little subdued, but pretty and not big).
I figure if I can switch from frames to tables, then anyone can. I had a loooong frame period. However, as you can see on my current site, I am quite happy with lots and lots of tables.