How Do You Change Your I.P. ?
im wanting to know cause some site banned me from part of the site cause i posted in the wrong section and also i was trying to tell them the part of the site im now blocked from was down and hadn't worked for a week. the bastards said this :
Dear Josh,
Are you Fucking blind?
1) Generally one would expect to find an e-mail address under "contact us." So yes, this "damn site" does have e-mail addresses on it, did you not see it?
2) We have a forum called "Bugs & Technical Questions" and another called "Encyclopedia." Did you not see either of these obviously better places to post your technical problem with the encyclopedia?
3) And did you also not see our rules when you registered? One of which says "we expect proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation." Proper English grammar requires capitals, these are achieved on a keyboard by using a 'shift key', there should be one on each end of your alpha-numeric keyboard. Can you see it?
Next time you want help try 1) being polite 2) posting in the right place and 3) following our rules.
Oh, bu thtere will be no next time.
At the end the bastards spell and dont use right grammer. and i didnt do half the shit they accuse me of ! also there is no where in the open for posting problems and i posted in a tech prob area. and there were no contacts on the contact us page !
please help me i want back on to get info about anime !
also 200th post ! yeah !

changing your IP address depends on your internet connection. if you use dial-up, its as simple as disconnecting and reconnecting. if you use cable or dsl and have dynamic IP assignment, then restart your computer. this is generally the case with residential cable/dsl.
but if you have a static IP address, which most dont because it costs more, then there isnt much you can do save spoofing your IP, and im not going to try to explain that to you as i dont have a full technical understanding of it myself.
but then again, they couldve banned more than just the IP for your computer. such as:
say your IP address is and they ban and youre on dial up, you just reconnect and youll get a different IP, like and you can post again
but maybe they banned 192.168.0.* or 192.168.*.*
then no matter how much you reconnect, youll never be able to get back on, but they also banned a bunch of other people too. this is probably the case, unless they are morons.
so what im trying to say is: good job, you got a bunch of people banned from a perfectly good forum.
its not just the forum !
its the site like i want to look at the ency. and it has that not i posted in blue.
and go to it and see what im talking about !
well i have dial up so do you think i will never be able to get on ?
im going to be moving in may so maybe i can get on then when i get a diffrent service and comp.
so is there any thing i could do to get on ?
if youve already tried logging back onto your ISP, then youre pretty much sunk save you switch ISPs. you can always hit up a friend's house. unless he uses the same ISP as you, then he might be banned too. library would work if you want it that bad.
Sounds like they banned any users that uses same ISP. Short of changing your internet service provider, you won't be able to access that site.
One thing for sure, they sound like jerks. That was a very rude email.
I just read the rules and that Tempest prick mispelled a couple words and forgot some Kamuhs( these,,,,,,,,,,,,). What a douche. Don't go back there. that place is lame. The layout is terrible. And to top it all off, there is too much crap on one screen.
where else can i go for anime info ?
like voice actors and what other animes they have been in ?
and also anime info on titles other then whats out on dvd and whats coming out soon ?
please tell me some sites cause thats the only site with that info other then from !
let me know !
and i know that site is shit but thats the only site around that i know of.
-LE has most of the information that you asked for.
By the way, looking at the ban email that you got, this was a part of their response. "Next time you want help try 1) being polite"
What did you say to earn this response? Did you curse them out? If so, you should've known better than that.
only cuss word i used was "Damn" nothing else.
they used Fucking, Shit, and some others !
so they were the ones that werent polite !
i dont like its not the same its diffrent !
ill wait for you to give me that dubb link.
anybody else use ? or is that really lame in comparison t other sites? I'll take a look around later
any other sites ?
this one doesnt have that many titles !
only ones that have been all released , hell it doenst have any ones that are coming out like FFU or kaze no kajimbo !
It's been a while since I had to use dial up but i'm going to assume that it functions much like any other dynamic internet connection. With dynamic assignments simply opening up a command prompt or a terminal and doing an ipconfig /release and then a ipconfig /renew will in essence give up your current IP address and request another dependant on the hosts dhcp servers' address lease expiration. When an address is requested via DHCP the server grabs the requestor's MAC ( it the crazy number that can be seen next to the "Physical Address" when you do an ipconfig /all - think of it as a fingerprint but for a network card/device - no 2 are alike) and assigns a address to that MAC in it's database, passes the request back to the requestor and time stamps the request.
So, if you can change the MAC on your computer the host DHCP server will give you another IP -or- if you leave the computer disconnected from the network until the expiration time has elapsed. Comcast used to be 8 days, which means that I would have to leave my router disconnected from the cable modem for 8 days and essentially not use my internet for that period of time before my address lease would expire, but they may have changed the lease time and I don't know what it is now.
With dial-up again i'm going to assume that it is probably set in hours meaning that once you disconnect the connection and do not reconnect for a set period of time (a few hours in this example) it returns the address to the available pool of addresses (most smaller isp only purchase one or two public class c address ranges - 254 in each - for their dial up/dsl/isdn pool) for someone else to use.
Now speaking from experience with comcast cable in the Chicago area the quickest way for me to change IP's and keep the connection alive is to adjust the MAC address. The easiest way is to either change the network card in your PC or if you are using a router of some sort there should be a setting to allow you to spoof a MAC that is connected to it (one of your PC's) or to use the MAC that is built into the router. Look in the router for an area that allows for a "User defined MAC address" or something similar. Go to a PC connected to that router do an ipconfig /all jot down the "physical address" and enter it where is asks.
I really don't think they banned a whole subnet, well maybe I should not say that (I've seen stranger things happen). What I think may have just banned the public IP that you where using and your dynamic (DHCP) lease has yet to expire. Try the ipconfig /release & ipconfig /renew (for win NT based machines) or winipcfg for the 95/98/me pc's.
Good luck and PM me if need help...
Well......since it doesn't cost anything, I guess that mind as well try out ZeroInterrupt's recommendation. However, if last exile had not accessed the site by now, chances are that it wouldn't work.
These guys are propably expert at bannig people and know all the nuances. Hence, the entire subnet would be banned. I know of a forum who banned one user, and several other users in the same network couldn't get in because of that. If I were them, I would rather have one guilty person remaining than blocking out several innocent ones as a byproduct.
Beats me why some sites are just dying to ban members. What's the bloody point for having a forum in the first place? My guess is that most of those mods are immature teenage kids and the feeling of having power for the first time has gone to their heads.
I must admit that Schultz and Junkie Joe here are good at what they do, compared to most others.