we all know that everyone has one series that they just LOVE beyong anything else......
though the difference between liking and obsessed is quite different.....
like: evangelion (own all dvds)
obsessed: evangelion (own all dvds, vhs, figures, models, cds, games, etc)
as for me i'm OBSESSED with sakura wars.........
i've got the dvds, vhs tapes, all 4 games, some posters, a calendar, mini figures, pencil boards, and random other stuff......
so what series are some of you obsessed with here?
Gundam Wing:
Whole SERIES (vhs, Ordering DVDs)
Writing Fanfiction
Music CDs
And Kenshin, Fushigi Yuugi, and also Slayers
I would have to say i am obsessed with 3 series..
Initial D..
have a bunch of figures manga's for them and get as much of it as i can.. hehe
Rurouni kenshin

I got all R1 DVD's, the 3 DVDboxsets from Japan, an artbook and some figurines.
I don't know that I'm obsessed with any series, really.. In fact, I'm fairly certain that I'm not.. I mean, I own all of the Kenshin DVD's but I'm not in search of the manga or action figures or the video games.. I'm a collector so I guess I enjoy collecting lots of different series but that's as far as it goes. I guess the only thing I'm obsessed with is owning lots of different series.
It started with Cliffhanger in the arcades, followed by the Castle of Cagliostro. I'm nuts about Lupin III. I've got his Fiat and his Alfa both sitting above my computer (along with the Mach 5, Shooting Star, and Kaneda's bike). I've bought all the R1 releases as soon as they've come out and even dressed as him for Halloween.
I've got a minor thing for Totoro as well... plush catbus and Totoro, a few wall scrolls, three copies of the movie, and a wife with a Totoro tatoo on her thigh.
I'm obssessed with Maison Ikkoku. I don't own much other then the first 12 VHS volumes dubbed and the HK DVD set. I however watch it all the time. This is how my VHS watches break down.
Volume ------ Watches
1 ------ 16 times
2 ------ 7 times
3 ------ 7 times
4 ------- 8 times
5 -------- 7 times
6 -------- 6 times
7 --------- 6 times
8 -------- 5 times
9 ------- 4 times
10 ------- 5 times
11 ------- 4 times
12 ------- 2 times
I've seen the series once. And most of it over again. ^_^
Quote:Originally posted by "Zagatto"
and a wife with a Totoro tatoo on her thigh.
now THAT is hardcore! :p
If I had a wife with a Totoro tattoo on her thigh, I think I too would be obsessed with Totoro (or maybe just the thigh version).
I'm not obsessed with any anime in particular, I wish I could own all the EVA's, the artbooks etc etc... but my budget doesn't allow it... I'm like Shibo, more obsessed with collecting, my Anime DivX collection has hit the 1000 CD's mark, and my anime DVD collection is slowly growing, it's at about 50something DVD's... I do have wallscrolls, 1 Evangelion one, 4 Kenshin ones... no manga, oh and I have an Astroboy mini-thingymybob that sits atop my monitor... I love my astroboy... and thats about it... many of my friends would say that I'm obsessed with anime... well I think I've watched maybe 5% of the anime I have, so I'm more obsessed with collecting, I'll get round to watching them sooner or later... just a bit busy atm eheheh...
OVA dvd R1
Universe dvd HK
Tokyo recorded off tv
Tenchi movies 1-3 vhs
Tenchi RPG book
Tenchi Manga
Tenchi McFarlane figure
Tenchi SD figurines
Tenchi Wall Scroll
I think that was it...
Crest of the stars & the subsequent seasons SnS I & SnS II

well I can't choose a favorite I think I have four shows that I am obsessed with now and they are:
One Piece
and I am not one of those bastardized fans of the dragonball that is in the states. I have been a fan since the start I have all the tankobons except for that elusive volume 4(arrrg :evil: ) I have all the r1s of Trigun almost all of the manga to date I am missing the two newest :!: Some of the Berserk manga and figures from all of these shows as well. I have all three playstation games of Dragonball the first famicom game a few of the super famicom games including Hyper Dimension the greatest Dragon ball game of all time some game boy DB games and The newest game to my collection the One Piece game One Piece Grand Battle 2 which I have to say is really excellent considering it is a bandai game and the don't have any records for the best games. Wow I am a fanatic 8O 8O
Have the DVD's
almost all of the models
25/30 models
action figures
wall scrolls
totally awesome series once you get past the first few goofy eps