Restocked almost every popular FX title this morning!
Yay! My replacement. I am happy

*GASP* My Hellsing is in!! You must all wait to buy both Hellsing and the Vampire Hunter D collection! THEY'RE MINE!! HANDS OFF!!! *growl* I'll have enough cash this weekend, and God help me if I have to request again.
Yeah !
I ordered it finaly !
cant wait to see that series !!!!
Are u going to be getting more Full Metal Panic Perfect Collection;Sku #: FMPPCFX
any idea when slamdunk part 4 is going to be in... so that i can get an order in...

Any sign of a live action moive update?
buffgod, probabaly next week, was hoping this week but it looks like next week
Slam Dunk 4, soon too