So just wondering what everyone does for a living so they can buy their anime!

LAN technician for the school system in my city. Porn star by night.
lmao @ pornstar @ night. :p
I'm A FedEx man. I work on the loading dock at night Mon-Fri. I run a forklift all day and am part time there. 6-11 every night. I make more money here part time than I did at all my other jobs before at full time. Plus I get payed every Thursday!

I am a Substitute Teacher.

Used to work for a company that makes transfers of old film into digital video, but I got layed of in liu of a workforce that is entirely Full-Time.
Well currently I am a senior in highschool, then I will be going to college for animation, then I hope to get a cool job.
Full time student, full time bummer. Part time job in a video store :p
Highschool student earning college credits in computer programming.. I love programming games, that's what I want to do as a proffesion.
Part-time job washing dishes!
It so fun 
. I save 1/2 of my check (based on free will) for my future and the other 1/2... on anime or anything else.
Hmm...this thread, like all threads, came back around again.
How to explain what I do? That is indeed an conundrum that I have yet to figure out.
I am in the US Air Force.
In peacetime, I teach Nuclear, Biological, Chemical and Conventional (NBCC) Defense, I am on a WMD response team...and there a million other things that I won't even get into.

During war, we are the ones detecting the chem or bio...and making sure everyone is protected from it. Along with a million other things.

Is that you in the Gas Mask?
I play guiter by night and I am a chef by day and so me how i fit a full time schedule of classes in also. Its a crazy life. I wach anime when ever I have free time.
I'm a senior in high school, and i quit my job 2 months ago. I had an extremely easy job: stock boy at a local grocery store. Has anyone ever read John Updike's poem A&P?
LINK My thought's were, "I would rather be a poor b*stard and sit in a field this summer, than be stuck in here." The only reason i stayed for more than a year was anime, and money for pretty girls. It's nice to be able to buy dinner and a movie. That was after i lost my car, and decided walking isn't too bad.
full time student, part time land lord, and extremely part time real estate agent