I heard that the GTO set has problems with some DVD players, but i really want to buy it, can anyone that owns the series tell me if the problems are major ?
Well it depends on which set you are talking about. However, I just bought the FX set from this site and I had some problems with my parants dvd player which is a sony dvd/vcr combo. I have watched part of it at my friends house on a ps2 and it worked pretty good, skipped a few times but I think it was because of dust. But I watched most of it on my dvd player which has worked perfectly. I have a $50 phillips dvd player. For how much I payed, I fell I got my moneys worth. But the quality of the video is pretty good for 43 eps. on 5 dvds. It pixilates a little bit in action sceens and when panning across a sceen. To me it kinda looked like motion blur. Overall, Its pretty good. I do recommend this show highly, you will laugh your butt off from the first episode to the last.
Well, I have a Panasonic DVD-R20, and its extremely picky and will not play my Rahxephon Disc 3 of my Rahxephon set, not only does it not play, it makes scratches on the DVD. So I am worried that the GTO (FX Set) will not function on my Panasonic, it is the only player i have

, besides my PC DVD Rom, but i hate small 17inch screens.
So anyone with a picky DVD player and has bought the GTO set, please gimme a reply.
maybe u should check out the GTO set by MAC, i heard it has better video quality.
just wanna make a note about Renegade_TN's dvd player, it scartches your dvds? that kinda sucks
No it doesn't scratch all my DVDs, just several Bootleg/HK DVD like the Rahxephon 3rd Disc, it plays most things well.
Oh well, i guess I'll have to buy the set for myself, if its shoddy, i can always return it

I got the GTO set about a month ago and I encountered no problems on my Sony standalone player. I also remember when this first came out that there were problems, but FX usually irons out all the bad stuff within 3 months or so, so if your player usually plays FX stuff and HK sets in general with no problem, any GTO set you buy new should play great.
I've had some problems with my JVC DVD player but it worked perfectly on my PS2.
I'm having problems with the series on my new Sony DVD player but the other one (Sony as well, about a year old) it plays fine. As for the quality, yes you'll see video quality go down during scenes of high motion, but lets face it, can you really find GTO easily besides the FX rip of it? It's still worth getting, and it's not like you want to watch it for fight scenes anyway.
i always have problems playing FX disc's on the cheap ass walmart player apex while on my cyberhome dvd player the HK's play flawlessly.
however i dont reccomend play import dvds's on the PS2 as matter of fact the ps2 has problems playing region one titles as well. namely 3x3 eyes street fighter 2 v s and a whole lot more..
if your having problems playing it on either of them go to radioshack and get the cyberhome player.
it plays
and those precious HK's very good!!
BTW the i feel the cheapest dvd player is better then the ps2 dvd player..hyahya
I don't recommend using a PS2 to play anything but the games, if you have a v5 or lower you're going to kill the laser in that thing in no time (not that I would know what happens inside a PS2 hehe)