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I just got back from the theater and was very happy with how the second act turned out. Lots of wonderfully memorable scenes. My one and only gripe about this is that it was separated into two movies. Nothing to be too upset over.Wink
I've watched vol. 1 three times in the past few days (each time someone hadn't seen soo...) I'm hpefully going tonight for vol. 2!
going to see it tomorrow !
i cant wait !

Kill bill volume 2 was great but some are gonna bitch about the amount of action in this one..U just cant win the first 2 much action less story and the second more story less action. Cant wait it to come out as directors cut with the movie all together.
I'm with ya on that one Haruka.Wink
Yeah Vol.2 was sweet! Can't wait for the dvd!
::joins the masses::

yeah dude, vol. 2 was frickin AWESOME.
I dont know, the second version was pretty pathetic. The dialogue was subpar and very little memorable scenes to speak of
