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Has anyone watched this TV series or the OVA?

I heard it was made by Tomino(creator of Gundam). I was wondering if anyone watched the Hong Kong DVD's and if the show was good and were the subtitles good?

There is no review posted, that is why I am asking!!
I watched the first episode fansub(waiting for rest, lol).

It is made by Tomino, he is the best!Smile
I watched this one solely becuase it was the first mecha DVDs I was able to get ahold of. I've seen the MI version... it has a ad every 3 episodes. The subs are 3 1/2 out of 5. The series is very weird, not like gundam at all! If you can stand the fact their is a female fairy and well the story-line is more commical and serious like gundam 0079 then you should be able to enjoy it.
"female fairy" Like the one in Dunbine?
I assume it may be but I've never seen Dunbine so no confirmation.