yea the 3DO dick suck major dick, a pathetic excuse for a games console.
and microsoft are money bastards but i think sony are just as bad, taking square away from nintendo fans!!! although square are a bit shit now
Good thing Enix bought 'em out. Square wouldn't be here now if it weren't for them.
Square went to shit right after they turned to Sony aways. Let them have Square.
Zagatto I did play and owned a 3DO. Gex was a fav of mine. The controls on most games were sub-par, but on some titles like anything that flys (ie Shock Wave, Wing Commador) they were great.
Oh comparing one doomed system to something that everyone one says started the doom for Sega is an intersting argument. The 32X was a great buy as well...maybe not. Look what you said proved my point. The 3DO had great potential but due to lack of great games and third party support.
Also Sega CD was released first in 1992 (US) and the 3DO was released in 1993 (US) Sega CD until TruVideo came out didn't even have color FMV (WWF Steel Cage) and only used up 25% of the screen (SewerShark)
3DO came 256 color FMV's from the start hell Sega CD didn't have a game that had 256 colors until Eternal Champions. I liked the Sega CD but it didn't even hold a candle to 3DO. Hell i wouldn't buy a CD versions of Genesis games that were already available on cartridge. They had the advantage that they featured CD sound, but they also had much longer loading times between levels. That sucked...
Also the reason Square got bought out was due to FF: The Spirts Within.
It never made back the money Square spent on it. And the best thing anyone every said about it was that the CG girl in the game was the centerfold for Maxim Mag... And Square is coming back to it's roots look at FF:CC for that
The theme to that movie was pretty damn good. Spirit Dreams Inside by L'Arc-En-Ciel... that was a good thing.
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
Good thing Enix bought 'em out. Square wouldn't be here now if it weren't for them.
hehe what people don't know.. it lookes like Enix bought square out on teh Books but All the managment from Square is what runs the Squarenix so on the books yes.. but in the actually company no.. its square that runs the whole company from the execs down..
Has anyone mentioned the Atari Jaguar? Man I played it a couple times at a friends house and it SUCKED!!! He had Doom and Aliens and something else. THEY ALL SUCKED! You had to play Doom on the smallest screen setting for it to even scroll at the same speed as the pc version.:mad:
i would like to see some more Rare titles they are a good developer !
i use to hate xbox cause of its size and a bunch of difrent stuff. when i went to Game Stop one day i played it and i fell in love it was awesome it was like playing dream cast for the first time when it came out its over welming !
i love it too cause its diffrent music of your on in games its awesoem and not needing a memory card. and having the older controler thats huge like the dreamcast one.
dont hate it untill you play it and experience diffrent caome on it you will love playing project Gotham racing jaming out to some of your fav music !
mine is APC live while hitting other drivers turning !
Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile
dont hate it untill you play it and experience diffrent caome on it you will love playing project Gotham racing jaming out to some of your fav music !
mine is APC live while hitting other drivers turning !
I personally hate Project Gotham Racing.. both 1 and 2.. they are some of the worst racing games IMHO. Also i can't stand the original xbox controller it is way too large.. and bulky.. my favorite controller for me has been my gamecubes.. i can play it for hours appon hours with no problems at all.
Guess I missed my words on which came first earlier. All I really remember is that the handful of games I played on the 3DO were pathetic. Guess I missed the good titles.
I never played a Jaguar but I heard they were horrible.
Vicious you didn't miss anything on the Jaguar. It was useless. And I have to stress that I hate everything about X-Box...even the games. I played Wolfenstein on it at my cousins and thought what a piece of trash. I have the PC version and I wanted to throw the controller across the room the entire time playing it on X-box. The game controlls like a wingless airplane and is REALLY choppy compared to the pc. Halo is pretty good but not worth getting a Skite-Box. I played the Mech Assault game and thought, what the HELL is this??? It looks so fun and plays terribly! AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!! I Hate that stupid system!!!!
I think I quote the nerd in a shoe on this one.... X-Box?!?! More like... COCK BOX!
Quote:Originally posted by ElVaquero
If the console fight is about games then the Dreamcast wins.
hear hear
my favorite controler of all time woulfd have to be the dreamcast or the n64 controler. bot are awesome ! i have a gold n64 controler still !
DC had one of the best controllers EVER!It wasn't too big nor too small.