Yeah I know its childish and stupid but I'm bored as hell so here we go!
hmm...a about...
HOW MUCH ANIME do all of you peeps own? Just curious...
Well I own 64 DVDs. I counted last night. 25 HK and 39 R1. My Karte DVD doesn't work at all. Grrrrrrrr.
I also own 250+ VHS. I honestly stopped counting a while ago. This includes fan subs but I buy most of my fan subs on EP off of ebay.
Hmm I have about 80 dvds...and well over 300 Vhs tapes..most are fansubs..
i have 286 dvds
R1: 164
HK: 116
then a ton of db/dbz on tapes...
And the winner is Schultz..

i have like 150 or so VHS.... and about 100 dvd (10 or so HK the rest all R1)
I dont have much right now. When I was working part-time, I spent almost all my money on either metal CDs or computer paraphenalia. Buying anime was rare because of the price.. if I wanted to see a whole series, I'd need alot of $$. >_<. Most of anime is downloaded fansubs, actually.
What metal cds? I'm interested to hear because I listen to metal as well. You got to have a good mix of 80's hair bands (Posion, White Snake, Winger) and 80's speed metal (Metallica, MegaDeth, Ozzy Osbourne).
I don't have much 80's stuff. Iron Maiden, old Iced Earth, Queensyrche, and Helloween is about it.
Most of the stuff I have is newer. Blind Guardian, new Iced Earth, Kamelot, Therion, Virgin Steele.. stuff in that era/genre. Heavy, Power/Speed, Death (melodic), Black, and Progressive Metal.
Whew. That was off topic ^_^
Metal and Anime collections are pretty much the same thing. Heh Heh. I drum but I can't stand drumming to metal. Has to be Jazz, Dave Weckyl or Enrique Boliviana, hoe yeah.
I have a few hundread fan subs tape and around 20 - 30 hkdvd. and around 500 cd of anime in divx.
What fan subs? You buy them from distros, right? I buy them off ebay and yahoo auctions. Marmalade Boy, all 76 episodes on 6 tapes and first 40 episodes of Kodomo No Omocha on 4.
I own 107 DVD's in 67 Cases.. And not as many series. I dunno if you folks are just counting physical DVD's, boxes, series, or what. I have 13 Card Captor Sakura DVD's, like..gawd, 16 kenshin, 12 Pokemon, 12 Kimagure Orange Road, 8 Fushigi Yugi..So yeah I have a lot of DVD's when I count them singly, but many of them are box sets. Don't get me wrong, my collection is growing weekly. But I don't think I have as much as most of you.

Damn that's more DVDs than I have. Box Stes are better anyways. :wink: KOR anyone?
On episode 40 of KOR, pause the screen before the missile hits the screen and you see a cute super deformed Madoka (I read the liner notes after, so I found it on my own). Keep it paused and use the slow button. After the explosion, you will see a shining picture of the Toho logo. Animeigo never mentioned that. :mrgreen: