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19th Birthday !

sad though cause i have no friends in this dead state of crap.
wish this site would send me a present ! i have bought so many titles from here half or more of my collection is from here ! but hey any one else can send me some stuff ! Big Grin

well ill have to spend my day tomorrow or if your reading this on the 10th today ! on my ass cause of my damn toe i skined last night on the edge of the door. it hurts to wear anything over it.

Anime and Digital Cable for me i guess!

well have a great one and wish me some luck i need it !

Well I can't send you a present but I'll send you a PM!!!! OH BOY DOESN'T THAT SOUND FUN?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Happy Birth Day L.E. hope you heal up quick!Big Grin
Have a good one.Wink
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birth Day, & Get Well Soon!
well its the day !

well hopefully i can put my foot in a solid object. lol

well i have today and tomorrow off hopefully my check for next week wont suck to bad. tool and HIM await me for a listen.

Hope my PM didn't frighten you.
im glad its your birthday, it helps me take my mind off things that are important.
happy birthday.

very funny!

loved the PM you sent me DARK OSAMU.

Happy bday exile Smile
Quote:Originally posted by Last Exile
very funny!

loved the PM you sent me DARK OSAMU.


I do what I can.Cool
Ehh hum here i go again but

Happy belated BirthdayBig Grin