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In the profile section, in the dvd collection list file there should be some kind of indication that, Im my case, I wrote a review for a particular anime. I find my self trying to remember if I wrote a review or not for an anime. It would be extreamly helpfull if in the DVD collection list for any particular person there would be an indicator showing if I did a review or I up loaded screenshots or something along those line. Thank you for your time.
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
In the profile section, in the dvd collection list file there should be some kind of indication that, Im my case, I wrote a review for a particular anime. I find my self trying to remember if I wrote a review or not for an anime. It would be extreamly helpfull if in the DVD collection list for any particular person there would be an indicator showing if I did a review or I up loaded screenshots or something along those line. Thank you for your time.

That should be easy enough to accomplish.. will add these to my TODO list..
It will be very helpful to have that indicator in the Dvd list section. Thanks man.