I gave in and bought a Neo Geo handheld on Ebay. In the description it said something about being able to hook up to the Dreamcast (not included). What does that mean? Is that just a couple games that work together, can the memory in a Neo Geo work as a VMU, or what? While i'm at it, do Neo Geo's take batteries or is there a rechargable one inside it?
If you're talking about the NG Pocket then if you have the appropriate cable it can link to the DC with certain games Like King of Fighters on NG and King of Fighters Dream Match 99 on DC unlocks characters and moves or something on the NGPC...(what a mouthfull). It takes 2 AA batteries. Use a screwdriver or a Nickle to pop open the round lock on the back where the watch battery goes. The watch battery is used for memory. Hope this helps... I absolutely love mine.
BTW The cable also allows you to download mini games onto the VMU with certain games. Just read the little manuals, they tell you if they are linkable and what it does.
PS: System of a down is great.

was going to get one but it just looked too iffy. if its not a major console company backing a handheld its going to die. so it did and well i have seen alot at the local used stores. they are still like 60$ to get them used. i think you can use the system with the DC with a few games to build up stats on fighters.
its like the little memory card for the DC its for mini games andf to build up characters in your spare time.
I had one and totally regret getting rid of it.
There are only a handful of good games worth playing on it but those games are way better than anything I've played on any other handheld.
If you can, get Metal Slug and King of Fighters for it, those are two of the best games I played. I've also heard that Card fighter is a great game.
If you don't have the connection cable that goes to the Dreamcast then you're out of luck as far as hooking it up goes.
I have both Card Fighters Clash games and they both rock!!!
Metal Slug while on a bus, while in a car
hey anywhere
does indeed rule...
PS get the NGP Colour (coz its in colour)
does anyone own a wonderswan???
ive got stuff on emulation but always wondered what it feels like to play for real
NGP color goes for about $35 on Ebay every time. FYI
Wonderswan = blow.
NGPC is the shit. Metal slug First and Second mission all the way!
And still to this date Neo Geo Pocket Color has the best handheld fighter... SNK Vs Capcom Match of the Millennium!
Quote:Originally posted by Jaded God
Wonderswan = blow.
youre detail on how the WS feels like to play astounds me

Quote:Originally posted by Jaded God
Wonderswan = blow.
NGPC is the shit. Metal slug First and Second mission all the way!
And still to this date Neo Geo Pocket Color has the best handheld fighter... SNK Vs Capcom Match of the Millennium!
I love Akumas Earthquake Punch!
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
I love Akumas Earthquake Punch!

I remember the old day when I played Neo Geo games in the arcade. I love the King Of Fighter, Fatal Fury and Samurai Showdown series. I spend a lot of quarter in these games. Too bad I don't see these arcade anymore, I really miss them.
Quote:Originally posted by gohan32
NGP color goes for about $35 on Ebay every time. FYI
You can get a brand new one at Amazon.com for $30, games are really cheap online if you look hard enough.
I've never played one but I tottally still want one. You ask me SNK had the initative but gave up once again. Maybe they should start homebrew for this system.

Well I played the wonderswan and it was a nice handheld. It's greatest draw was a lot of 8 bit games being updated for it. FF1 has sold the best for it. But since FF1 can now be played on the PS1 there is no more hype for that game (for me at least)
NGP played the almight Metal Slug and have to agree that is a great reason to have the system now. But paying the price for it back then... I said no to.
And after playing GGX on the GBA and SF3 I feel those are the best fighters for handheld...