I have been consistantly let down by F/x with disc problem and mac hasn'y let me down in terms of anime sets. I was just wondering what is the general consensus out there. If you had to but the exact same set for the exact same price who would you buy from, F/x or Mac?
some fx titles are better and some MAC titles are better.
so what title.
i try and get what ever is out first. cause i hate to wait.
let me know...
I usually get FX sets. Usually it's only because they come out first (since I'm assuming that you mean the FX set's ripped by MAC). That and they line up nicely with all the other sets on my shelf. I don't recieve defective disc's often, but as long as I get a replacement, I'm happy. Unless the boxart is much nicer (I liked the MAC boxart for Kare Kano much more and was planning to pick it up, but I broke down and got the FX set), I'll usually stick with FX.
It doesn't matter to me (if they are the same exact set). Whatever's in stock. If both are in stock I'd go with box art because the (DVD) quality from both are usually awesome.
I lean toward fx for box art and quality of packaging usualy.
Fx also somtiems does those nice box sets with an actual collectors box so thats good too.
The only times ive opted for mac were for yu yu hakusho and gundam wing
Wing because it was cheaper at the time, and yu yu because i wanted more episodes per set.
So in the end all things being equal
Fx is my choice most of the time.
usually both sets are identical except FX sets have better packaging, but recently FX discs have been letting me down, so at the mo its MAC all the way.
i agree with LE from above, it total depends on the series.
for example:
FX usually include extra on the dvd, but MAC rarely does that *Excel Saga Perfect Collection*
the gundam 0083 set by MAC is way better than FX, it contains no video problems that appeard in the FX one
some series are pretty much the same, also MAC makes some of the lesser known series that are not available from FX
FX set do look nicer in most cases, while the new MAC sets have lesser problem playing
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
I have been consistantly let down by F/x with disc problem and mac hasn'y let me down in terms of anime sets. I was just wondering what is the general consensus out there. If you had to but the exact same set for the exact same price who would you buy from, F/x or Mac?
Based on the title of this thread and the info you gave us. It seems like the answer is pretty clear to you and you want us to somehow justify you choosing Mac over FX. :confused:
Ahh.. based on Vicious' post it made me think (and go back and read the original post again). Are you suggesting that you want others to reassure you that Fx is a good company regardless of dodgy discs? Then by all means yes

. But that's all my opinion anyway. I think Fx is a good company because they have good quality releases. Just because discs may be dodgy doesn't mean a replacement can't be obtained... then the set is good again.
(for the record I am not biased in Fx's favor... I am biased in the favor of reviews... whatever's good

I prefer FX. Better quality boxes that matches the size of a real DVD case. And I like the sexy matte finish on the plastic cover. The designs on the back of the boxes for Mac are nicer though as are some covers, see Full Metal Panic for example. The back cover for FX's Rahxephon is funny. It's got summary from R1's disk 5 and 6 on it. :p
Quote:Originally posted by buffgod
I have been consistantly let down by F/x with disc problem and mac hasn'y let me down in terms of anime sets
I would be curious to know what FX stuff you have that has 'consistantly' let you down? I am assuming you are talking about the stuff that came out around christmas time right? If you could, please list the sets that you have that had playability issues...
I have 12 FX sets and they all have played great. I must admit I do wait though for at least 2-3 months after a set is released so all the pressing issues can get worked out. I also make sure to check the quality reviews here. I think FX is great and I find that the resellers I buy from have an easier time getting FX stuff, so for me it is also more convienient to get FX stuff. They also have great art boxes and cool extras...usually.
BUT, your question was that if I could get the EXACT SAME set at the EXACT SAME price. I am going to say FX. I haven't been burned by them and I like their products.
The F/x sets that I have ordered that have given me problems are:
Yami no matsuei
Roruni Kenshin movie box set
Onegai teacher
outlaw star
Vampire hunter D
King of bandit jing
msamune shirow movie set
F/x I bought with out problems
Blue Gender
Record of lodos war
Weis cruz
I'v ordered numerous from Mac and the only set that had issues was Dual
AlSo I would like to note that none of these sets were bought around X-mas time
I think everyone is misunderstanding the question. Everything is the same between the two anime sets, cover art, etc. on reputation alone which company would you buy from?
If one company consistantly gives you errors and one does not then the logical choice would be obvious.
Other considerations:
Boxart - some Mac sets use the generic gatefolds & their animestudio lines use those multi disk clamcases
Audio options
Subtitle Problems
Visual Quality
Price - depends on your source i guess
For the record Mac discs are not free of error either but definitely in my experience there seems to be a lower ratio of dud disks. But when there is getting a replacement direct from Mac is a bit harder sometimes, especially if the whole batch is dud.
Also some mac disks just don't get recognised in some players like some fx disks but will play flawlessly in others.
Quote:Originally posted by CrayonShinChan
If one company consistantly gives you errors and one does not then the logical choice would be obvious.
That's basically what I was saying. But apparently that's not the question here. He wants to know about reputation.