i have no patience and theres a few titles i've been wanting for awhile does anyone know any other sites that have a good supply of mac stuff
i must say that it definately does suck
You just got to get used to it Rayne, as much as it sucks. Other sites say they have them in stock, but are also waiting on Mac to ship out the titles.
yea i'm getting used to it gradually but i have to bitch about it at least once heh
Quote:Originally posted by evilomar
You just got to get used to it Rayne, as much as it sucks. Other sites say they have them in stock, but are also waiting on Mac to ship out the titles.
Not all sites are like that, if CJV says it has it in stock, it is in stock, Bella doesn't list stuff on the site she doesn't already have on hand to send, period.
Mac is one low puppy, Some body should email them and say, you guys would be doing a lot more business if you guys took some initiative in the matter. Maybe it's some sort of conspiracy???? Mac and there weird lines they put all over there DIscs.
maybe they get hounded alot by the police alot or sumthin thats my only answer to this long wait
Yeah I think that may be a problem and I'm sure they don't have a factory load of people working for them. My theory is: if it cost me $21 for a 26 episode series, screw it I'll wait till they get their inventory in stock.
Hounded? Maybe... probably for bribes

Yes I noticed that the mac sets have quicked there pace or maybe they feel like there losing business so there fixing there slow shipping probelm!
ditto, mac shippments are slow, but slow is better than never.
thats what i think