the first and only time I tried selling something on ebay, and it was thwarted with less than 20 hours left to go in the 7 day auction by Viz. Damn that pisses me off.
You didn't tell us much there. What were you selling that it got thwarted? realised that there are some titles which you can't find HK sets on? eg. Fruits Basket, Gasaraki, Princess Nine etc? That's coz ADV, Viz and Funiimation are doing routine checks on Ebay now.
If you wanna continue trying to sell those imports, some methods are:
1. No pictures or use R1s pictures
2. Don't mention the region coding
3. Don't mention the number of discs.
4. Don't state what company it is from
That's about it. Hehe.. you have 2 more chances of having the auction canned and getting suspended for a mth.

If you do all that, then you're misleading the buyer into thinking they're buying R1's. That's just plain dishonest. Don't listen to all of those suggestions.
i was selling off my Ranma 1/2 HKs. THe thing is that there were a ton of other Ranma 1/2 HK auctions besides mine... It looks like they were just picking on the little guy trying to make a few bucks off his collection...
If any of you want to buy it, I was selling Ranma 1/2 seasons 1-4 + the oVA for $50.
Quote:Originally posted by kakomu
i was selling off my Ranma 1/2 HKs. THe thing is that there were a ton of other Ranma 1/2 HK auctions besides mine... It looks like they were just picking on the little guy trying to make a few bucks off his collection...
If any of you want to buy it, I was selling Ranma 1/2 seasons 1-4 + the oVA for $50.
$50??? holy shit dude, how much for shipping to the UK? id certainly be interested! PM me with all details and info on condition and stuff!
Thing is that Ebay could really care less about bootlegs. They make it seem like they care by taking down auctions by people like us who might sell an item here and there. This appeases the R1 companies and others who want to complain about Ebay selling bootlegs. But they leave alone the users who sell alot of bootlegs since they're making a large amount of profit from them.
Ebay tends to delegate authority to the US right holders to end the auctions unless they receive alot of complaints or it is blatantly bootleg.
They do not seem to care about bootleg Famicom games, though.