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Happy Birthday to the Batz,

I hope this is a good year for you man.
Another year closer to death's sweet embrace.Wink

In all seriousness have a good birthday Batz.Big Grin
dem kidz iz young
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Another year closer to death's sweet embrace.Wink

In all seriousness have a good birthday Batz.Big Grin

You get a Medal!

Happy B-Day Batz! Hope JJ gives you something free! Or a chance to buy something again! Whichever is more practical. JK!!!
How's it feel to be a year closer to drinking age Batz?Big Grin
Happy birthday dude!Big Grin
Happy B-day Batz, its all downhill from there.
hey i was gonna start this thread!

anyway your now a young man batz, legal to do all sorts of things now, just make sure you do!
Happy 16th, Batz!

Enjoy it, life only fast-forwards from there.
batz has yet to post on his birthday thread, maybe hes out partying!
Or maybe he's actually dead.Rolleyes
what a pleasent birthday present that would beBig Grin
Maybe he decided he was too old to post anymore?

OR...Maybe he went to tomorrow-morrow land?Wink :p
Lol, thanks Guys & Gals of the forum.
I haven't been around in a while so I didn't see this obviously, kinda hit a depressing spot of life, & am recovering as I always do, only this time I decided to keep it off the forum.

Anyways, I kinda decided not to celebrate my birthday this year.
Heck, I didn't even tell my friends about it.
The only real change is that now I'm likely to drop Academic Team & get a job which means I'll have more money for anime!!!! the bad part is I'll have no time to watch it Sad

So, thanks again you guys, I'm not dead, & yeah, I was having a talk with my dad about drinking age.
Ohhh, one other thing, if all goes as planed by this Friday I'll have my learners permit. Yeah, I know it's a bit late to be getting them, but I've just been to lazy to read the book, & my mom refuses to take me to try at the test till I read it.Rolleyes
Peace Out To All, & To All A Good Night.
Good luck with the permit Batz. It should be a breeze.Wink
Quote:Originally posted by Batz Kage
Ohhh, one other thing, if all goes as planed by this Friday I'll have my learners permit. Yeah, I know it's a bit late to be getting them, but I've just been to lazy to read the book, & my mom refuses to take me to try at the test till I read it.Rolleyes
Peace Out To All, & To All A Good Night.
Late? heck im almost 20 and i still havent bothered applying for mine! although you have to be 18 to drive over here, or maybe its 17 can remember.
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