Received more FX goodies this morning, popular items restocked!
Any new live movies coming in the near future?
Hey JJ f is not too much to ask, could you put the titles that you recive like you used to, at least for the small restock since is hard to notice what wasnt in stock or maybe someone can go right through the title that they wanted and didn't see it was in stock. Anyway is just a suggestion

Quote:Originally posted by Seijuro Hiko
Hey JJ f is not too much to ask, could you put the titles that you recive like you used to, at least for the small restock since is hard to notice what wasnt in stock or maybe someone can go right through the title that they wanted and didn't see it was in stock. Anyway is just a suggestion
I agree. It was much easier to see what's new when you used to list the titles.
I'll put it as a reply, the list of recieved items. It was done for a reason, the not putting of it.
I thought so and i think I know your reason. Putting them down as a reply would be an excelent solution.

hows things on the MAC/AS front?

*cough* MAC/AS [cross my heart] i won't say what i asked for...
*stares at the wall for 3 hours*