hey Zagatto, why do u get fired for reading something on this website while the supervisor who is married who was humping a 17 year old employee did not get fired? didnt those 2 exchange pretty explicit emails? wouldnt that qualify as same grounds that u are in?
Ah... the case of the manager and the 17 year old.
There were actually two different people involved in that scenario.
There was the manager who was actually doing the diddling but no emails... he still has his job as no charges were ever pressed.
Then there was the sales rep who was sending naughty emails to the 17 year old... he was fired just like me.
It's the internet thing that makes the difference.
One of them is innuendo and circumstance.
The other is recorded files on company equipment.
And for the record, it wasn't just this website that I got in trouble for.
I was also sending fairly long emails back and forth with friends on company time. They figure I spent between one and two hours a day of company time doing personal internet related stuff.
I would have liked a warning but I can understand the fact that I signed a paper saying I knew what the internet was for and that the company has a zero tolerance policy in effect.
Did I mention how stupid I feel?
Back to the job hunt.
lets just face it, the world is full of two-faced bastards and if you make a single mistake your fucked! guess thats just the way it is?
I hate to defend the people who fired me but they did spell out the conditions of internet access and the consequences of it's misuse.
The company I worked for is a good company and I would highly recommend them to anyone else. When you're in the office, you are there to work. If you're surfing the web or responding to personal emails, then you aren't working.
It's as simple as that.
If you want to keep a job, you have to work.
If it's slow, look for something to do. I'm sure there are lots of things I could have found to do if I had just looked. Instead I surfed.
My only complaint is the strictness this policy is enforced with. I would have liked a warning of some sort. The were watching me for over a month and I blew it.
guess i should take back those harsh words then.
i suffered a similar punishment about 2 years ago when i got kicked outta school for sending an email to a friend saying "your mother had anal sex with the milkman", it was a direct reply to him calling me gay and the school knew that we were friends and it was only a bit of craic and still kicked me out!!! he didnt even get kicked out!!! fuckin bastards!!!
although i must say your situation is somewhat worse, good luck dude
Man, that's rough Zagatto. I can't believe how strict they were. Well, best wishes for you job hunt and daughter.
Wow, that sucks. Yesterday I spent four and a half hours drawing for an art project and finally finished inking when my friend came over and as I went upstairs to get him a drink, he layed his backpack on top of several of the drying pages. That's no where near as crappy as getting fired. Here's hoping that your daughter get's better quickly and you find a good job.
If it were my friend they would've been DEAD! I'm an artist too. I feel for ya.

i hope canada's economy's better than what we got here in america. keep us updated on the job hunt- and maybe a post of your resume for constructive criticism would be tight as well. being a father, you must have a lot vested in your daughter... oh boy, keep that fighting spirit inside burning! :eek:
I nearly didn't post on this thread because everything that needed to be said has been said, but then I thought it might seem a bit bad considering even though I don't know half of you guys on here, & those that I do know I tend to forget during my long periods of time away from here, but I still tend to think of you all is a type of family I never had, so here goes:
I hope you have good luck & God's blessing on finding a job (unless you're not religous, then may Bob Bless).
And also as a few have said before, you're a good man for admitting it was your fault for getting fired. It takes a big man to say that. I for one still blame others for things I myself screw up on.
And last, all be well with your child.
Peace Out.
Thanks again for all the good wishes everyone.
I've decided to make one of the biggest decisions in my life and start my own business as a photographer. It's what I went to school for and I'm good at it.
I can't quite explain the anxiety I feel making this decision. Knowing that whether my daughter eats or not hinges on my ability to follow through and get enough work to live on has me questioning my choice every time I start to think about it. That's a lot of responsibility for me and it scares me like crazy.
Thanks again to everyone.
This is a good crew of people here and even though I've never met any of you face to face I still feel like you are all good friends.
follow your dreams dude! and good luck!
Freelance, periodical, or shop?
damn Zaggato Hard Luck man with getting Fired but heres hoping and wishing you good luck with your new venture