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Full Version: I only know one place with Full Metal Panic engdub?
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I know that's not a question, but this place has full metal panic, but why doesnt anybody else? Please dont ban me or whatever for making a link to another store, im just trying to figure out something.
Just get JJ to order it for you. Doesn't take long for FX to ship. This site does carry it. See below.
From what I understand, FX hasn't released it to any resellers yet.
i think JJ put it as " other sites are just selling air "
so its not out yet its i think a pre order ! i would wait a few more weeks.

Yeah, that shop has listed a couple of items before that it didn't have in stock yet.
Ok thanks for the replies everyone, I guess Ill just wait or something.
We're all waiting for now. It would seem that lots of people want FMP. It'll probably sell pretty quick when it arrives.