no affence but i thought the game looke utter crap. The grass shot did remind me of wind waker, but i looks like a cheap cross bread of that and voodoo vince. Whats he post to be anyway.
There's video of the game here: . (12MB)
It looks very impressive for a handheld and assuming it's not all smoke and mirrors the PSP looks like it has a lot of pontential - it bodes well for developers who really know how to handle Sony's technology. I think things have just got interesting.
Quote:Originally posted by fahad17
no affence but i thought the game looke utter crap. The grass shot did remind me of wind waker, but i looks like a cheap cross bread of that and voodoo vince. Whats he post to be anyway.
Well that's your opinion but I think it looks good. Remember this a handheld system NOT a home game console of course it won't put out graphics like gamecube and look like Zelda. But for a handheld game system the graphics infact looks good and makes the other handheld game systems including the N-Gage look like crap in comparison.
I looked at the screenshots and I watched the video. The game certainly looks impressive for a portable system. But good graphics hasn't sold the PSP to me. I really don't care about graphics as long as the gameplay's good. If the gameplay's good, graphics are simply a nice touch. Saying this... the game looked like it could be fun.
Wow I'm impressed a portable looks that good.
Well the PSP has gotten support by many game companies including EA,SEGA,Capcom and others. Sony is going to make sure that the PSP has a wide variety of titles in it's launch. I don't think it's going to be a flop like the N-Gage.
N-Gage not only flopped... it tripped over it's own feet on the way out the door! (not literally)
But, the PSP has potenial. That's a better start than the N-Gage had.
I thought it looked great for a hand held system it looks a hell of a lot better then the N-Gage.
Quote:Originally posted by fahad17
Whats he post to be anyway.
Since the title is Death Jr... I assume he is a little grim reaper. Which it could be fun to have the power of death.

but isnt it gonna cost around the price of a console? if so, that aint good!
Quote:Originally posted by sanosuke
but isnt it gonna cost around the price of a console? if so, that aint good!
It definately won't cost 100 bucks but 150-200 bucks.
Well here's some new info on the game.
it looks good.
cant wait for E3 for more games and pics of stuff.
Looks good, but I'll reserve final judgement when it's actually displayed on the PSP.
I think the whole thing is still up in the air. Just because something is good doesn't mean it'll be a success, life just doesn't work that way. Plenty of advanced portable systems have come out before and died horrible deaths. Things like the Game Gear were great, but I only knew one person that actually had one.
Quote:Originally posted by Owozifa
Things like the Game Gear were great, but I only knew one person that actually had one.