Does Best Buy honor their misprices? If so, I'll pick this up quickly.
A long time ago, I bought some Warcraft II strategy book for $0.01 at I think Best Buy. I don't believe it was on any discount rack, so there must have been something going on.
According to business law, they have to honor the misprint unless they state that it is for only 1 set. Then you'll have no choice but to pay the new price they set it at.
Heheh....Bestbuy is expensive 100% of the time. Unless they have a 50%-70% off sale on anime, which is kind of impossible. I remember seeing them sell WHR limited edition boxset for $59.99 when the retail price is $49.95 and Angelic Layer + Artbox for $39.99. Hell of expensive....
Thanks for pointing that out. They always make mistakes on their website, usually in their favor. This one time it's in our favor and I ordered mine up. I wasn't going to buy that series, but at that price, how can I resist?
Just make sure that you have a hard copy of the advertisement. If not, when Bestbuy changes the price, there's nothing you could do. At least with the hard copy, you could demand that they sell to you at that price other wise it is false advertising
I printed out my receipt. If they cancel the order, then they do. It wasn't a series I was looking to pick up anyways. And if I do end up getting it for $25, then great.
It must be a mistake because has the 3 disc set (19 episodes) for $69.99! It would be cool if R1's were that cheap though... but I can watch the anime that I want to see on HK, so I'm happy.
It's definately a mistake cause animeondvd has the msrp listed of 100$. You don't usually see 75% off MSRP especially for something thats not even out yet.
Too bad I can't take advantage of this mistake cause doesn't ship to Canada. I know there are some BestBuys in Canada but not here in Quebec and I doubt futureshop will have the DVDs on their site let alone at that price even though BestBuy wons FutureShop!
Thanks Matthew!

just ordered my set on bestbuy too so i hope they don't make me pay the 70 dollar or so price later on. I got an e-mail from them saying it's on backorder and they will ship it buy april 2nd but then it says on amazon that it won't be released til april 27. so i hope best buy didn't make that date mistake as well.
Quote:Originally posted by Nina182B
I got an e-mail from them saying it's on backorder and they will ship it buy april 2nd but then it says on amazon that it won't be released til april 27. so i hope best buy didn't make that date mistake as well.
That is a mistake as well. It's release date is april 27. That april 2 date is assuming it's on backorder, which it is not since it's actually a preorder at this point.
I got my set today! (actually it came saturday but it was left in front of the second door of my house) anyway, bestbuy only charged my credit card 26 something! sooooooo happy to be me right now

I actually bought 3 of those sets from Best Buy. they've already shipped, but I haven't received them yet. There are actually 2 other sites online that still have it mispriced around the $25 range right now.
Quote:That is a mistake as well. It's release date is april 27. That april 2 date is assuming it's on backorder, which it is not since it's actually a preorder at this point.
Apparently, most anime distributors have two street dates -- the early one for the speciality stores that primarily sell anime and other fan collectibles (like comics), and the later one for mass retaillers (like Best Buy and FYE).
The reason being is that Animenation (which has a brick-and-mortar store where I live, in the Tampa Bay area), already has Marmalade Boy on stock, but at only 10% off the SRP of $89.95 (I think).
Apparently, Best Buy quoted the early specialty date by mistake.
I can't believe i missed this topic! Argg! Anyone know any sites which still have it at this price? I couldn't find any.