Quote:Originally posted by -spike-
Well I care more about the picture quality more than the cover. I read the reviews for both FX and MI and it sounded to me that they had about the same picture quality. So I cant decided which to buy, if MI has better picture I would buy that one insted of the FX one.
The video quality will also vary depending on your set-up - what will you be using?
A phillipus dvd player, it was free when my dad bought a digital camra, but it would cost like 60 bucks. However, some of my anime that I have now wouldnt work on my ps2 but worked on this dvd player.
Eh...I think I would would go with the MI since I didn't notice any pixelations (maybe I'm blind). Anyway, I have the whole R1 set on it so no big deal for my case. It's really up to you to get which set since the reviews on them are the same.
well thats a pretty cheap DVDplayer but is did you mean phillips or phillipUS or actually phillipus coz ive not heard of the latter before
the cheapness enhances the chance of good compatibility with HK's unlike some top of the line DVDplayers
oh and my PS2 plays my GTO FX set fine its gotta a v2.13 DVD driver
Really I didnt know that. But I belive that its PhillupsUSA becuase we go it from target. Did your version of the FX GTO have alot of pixilation using that?
Yeah generally the small cheap brands (eg the infamous Apex) that are fresh outta china

work best on HK's
but there are always exceptions...:confused:
I just saw that someone posted a new review for the FX GTO set and he gave it a really good review, maybe they are getting better as the year goes on.