August 31st is the day it will be released. Can't wait for it. By far the best Miyazaki.
Porco Rosso and Totoro will also be released on that day, I was hoping for Whispers of the Heart along with Nausicaa but those two movies aren't too shabby themselves
I'm interested to see what they do with the Totoro release.
I really enjoyed the dubbed version that Fox released previously. I'm going to get it either way just to make sure Disney realizes that I appreciate them FINALLY releasing the Miyazaki stuff they've had the rights to for a decade.
If you enjoyed watching Nausicaa, you should try reading the manga. There are whole new depths that aren't even mentioned in the movie. It's great being able to see what Miyazaki is capable of when he doesn't have any sort of budget to worry about or length restrictions.
I read the manga already and loved it also, yes it does take the story much more further but that doesn't take away the fact that the movie is still great.
Viz is re-releasing the manga BTW, unflipped and in a larger than as their original release.
Uma Thurman is suppose to play Kushana in the english dub. Gonna be interesting.
Finally! I've been waiting for Nausicaa and Porco. I have the R2 on Porco but would still want to see the R1.
I thought Totoro was out on R1 sometime ago or is it a different one? The one I have on R1 is, My neighbor Totoro(which I havn't even watched yet even though I have it for abt 9 mths)
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
I thought Totoro was out on R1 sometime ago or is it a different one? The one I have on R1 is, My neighbor Totoro(which I havn't even watched yet even though I have it for abt 9 mths)
It is, but that wasn't a Disney release. That was by Fox and I'm assuming their license must have just run out. Disney probably redubbed it and is releasing it again.
I have Totoro on the FOX VHS. I've been wanting to get it on DVD. But this talk of R1 Miyazaki Films coming out puts me in a predicament. I was going to get the Studio Ghibli set from Fx (on eBay) because it's out of print, but now I am not sure. If I get that then I could get the R1 Nausicaa... though I am thinking of taking the risk and waiting until the end of the year and hope Fx makes a new version of Studio Ghibli set with Nausicaa (R1 menus for Porco Rosso + Totoro and possibly better subs for Totoro). But this might not happen then if I want to get the old out of print version it'll be to late :mad:. Any suggestions? (I am very patient so waiting another 7-8 months for a new Fx release doesn't phase me)
just get the FX release now its only $28
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
just get the FX release now its only $28
I'll periodically check eBay, right now they have tons of them. For now I shall wait and hope for a new version of the set a while from now. Like I said I'm patient... and considering anime, I always have enough to enjoy, so I never am pressed to buy anything to quickly.
Since this is a thread about Nausicaa: I will look forward to seeing it

I have one of the current Ghibli sets. I might put mine up for trade eventually and upgrade to all the R1's for his movies. I do that with alot of my HK sets. Keep an eye out whenever I edit my trade list and you can make me an offer if you still want it at that point.
How can Disney be releasing any more of the Studio Ghibli DVD's when March's New Type says that Madman in Australia has purchased the feature film catalog from Nausicaaa to The Cat Returns? It also states that 11 titles will be released in due course starting with Grave of The Fireflies. They also state they were expecting this announcement to come from Disney's Buena Vista Int. distribution arm.
Or am I totally misunderstanding what I read?
Not sure, but I doubt Madman has anything to do with us. I remember ADV licensing some stuff and then Madman licensing it for release in Australia or something. I think they just redistribute whatever the R1's release over here. Because Madman is not doing their own redubs of any of these series.
Madman only has the rights for Australian release of the Ghibli movies. I'm sure that they'll act in a more timely manner than Disney has with it's North American rights of the same material.
Fox originally had the rights to Totoro and possibly another title or two but Disney required all Ghibli titles as a part of their contract. I've ranted about this before because of how long Disney has chosen to sit on the titles.
I plan on buying the R1 releases when they come out as a sign of support for Studio Ghibli. I wish there was a good way for me to show that support without Disney getting a cut of the action.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
Not sure, but I doubt Madman has anything to do with us. I remember ADV licensing some stuff and then Madman licensing it for release in Australia or something. I think they just redistribute whatever the R1's release over here. Because Madman is not doing their own redubs of any of these series.
Thank you, cause I was seriously beginning to wonder if we'd even see any more of the R1's if that was the case... and you're right, my daughter is anxiously awaiting the releases to add to her collection of Studio Ghiblis in R1's... ohhhh speaking of R1 releases... she is in 7th heaven, they are releasing Gravitation... she's got it on pre-order...oh, and Wolf's Rain is scheduled for July ... woo hoo... now if they'd just release Loki...

Quote:Originally posted by Amethyst
woo hoo... now if they'd just release Loki...
It'd have to be licensed first

Quote:Originally posted by Suzakuseikun
It'd have to be licensed first
Hey, they got around to licensing Wolf's Rain, and it came out about the same time Loki did... so there's hope that they might yet... shoot Right Stuf licensed Gravitation... who's to say they won't Loki?