I have some Beef with Scooby Doo Where are you? After the gang captures the bad guy the police send them to jail. However they never read the person his/her Miranda Rights. So all of their "I was scaring you bastards away" junk wouldn't hold in court.
God damn, I hate Scooby Doo. The animation is beyond poor. If someone were to really run like they do, they'd fall flat on their face. There are only 3 cels of animation each character (In all the episodes. Yes, I'm exagerating, ok 4 cels).
Has anyone ever seen the channel Boomerang? Shitty Animation 24-7
I'm a huge Scooby Doo fan. I just thought about it at work and had to vent it. Though I have to say that Scooby Doo does rule. ^_^
Well the show rocked, it was cheesy and had lackluster animation but it still was good. Hey a lot of anime can be seen the same way.
Speed Racer was THE shit. I wish they sold the series somewhere...

Ebay my friend. A company did release the dubbed episodes. Hopefully we can see it on Adult Swim or Toonami.
around three or four years ago cartoon network was playing speed racer at like four in the morning. I never really liked scooby doo not because of poor animation(it was decent for its time) but the stories were bad. Just like those wretched SMURFS they were communists anyway.
The Smurfs weren't communists. The only problem I have is there was only one female smurf. They probably traded her for cigarettes and the like. Also there was always a smurf added into the sentence. What in the SMURFING SMURF were they trying to accomplish, the mother smurfers.
The Smurfs were crackheads, anyway, I found Speed Racer XD for only $20! I wonder what language tracks are on it...The english version was always funny. :mrgreen:
Check out Alpha Teams - Speed Racer (Techno Porn Remix). It's usually under DJ Keoki, who I believe is a part of the Alpha Team.