Woot, restocked some FX titles and finally received some long awaited brand new releases!!!! Check them out!!
Damn!!! What is that, like 3 FX shipments this week?
and the week is still young ^_~
woot! king of bandit's out...now if only FMP will come out I can order both

Ahhhhhhhhh i sooo wanna buy a kak load of anime but
still waiting for my loan cheque

Wow, I've been waiting for Mahoromatic 2nd Season

! I hope I'll be able to it order soon

. For now, I am going to wait. I'm happy to see it released though!
i just ordered earlier all three new titles !
i cant wait to get them !
ill write reviews for them also the sets i got the other day :
Sol Bianca
Arjuna perfect collection
i dont think there are any review for them yet !
Quote:Originally posted by rav96
Ahhhhhhhhh i sooo wanna buy a kak load of anime but
still waiting for my loan cheque
gotta love that. Using school loans to pay for anime.

only way i have left to fund the addiction
no longer got time for a job

So how comes Outlaw Star and Hellsing?
hellsing soon, Outlaw star is still being reprinted ~_~
PM or email me when its done reprinting because i need that Disc1 replacement (which you can send as soon as i can afford my next order
