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Aside from the box sets how much, if you were to be selling, would you sell single R1 dvds?
it wouldn't be a good choice to sell them one by one. PPl would be more interested in getting the whole set or whatever dvds at one go. You can try selling them 1 by 1, but if listing on ebay, you would be wasting listing fees if the item does not sell or you sell them at a low price.

I dunno, maybe it's just me. It's actually up to u. I would pay more for a complete set instead of buying 1 dvd at a time.
You can only get what someone's willing to pay for them. It's pointless to ask us. Go list them on Ebay and whatever someone ends bidding on them is their value. If you want, you could do some research on your own and go look on Ebay and see how much those DVD's you want are going for.
yep eBay or Amazon is your best market!