Does anyone know where you can get Kaikan Phrase Dvd's?? I can find it ANYWHERE??
You mean you can't find it anywhere? If you can find it anyway as you stated above, heheehe, you won't be asking here.
Actually I have no idea why can't u find it. Is it a new series in Japan? I can't find anything on Kaikan Phrase to download too.
NO! It's been there for a few years. ^.^b I Should Know!! Stupid Miso!! It's not the biggest anime in Japan!! Yep! They are VCDs. I won't buy off ebay!! I'm a loser!!
relax your not a loser
eBay isnt the most trust worthy place to purchase stuff
kinda brings out the Q
"does one have faith in ones fellow man"
short answer = No unless JJ

That's good!! ^.^b True, true!! I trust most of the web people I deal with!! *.*