This year looks as if there will be quite a few new system releases (even more than in 2001). Which one are you looking forward to?
I think the system I am anxiously awaiting is the PStwo. The release of the smaller, cheaper PS2. I never had a Playstation, so I figured I'd wait until they release this next version. This way I can get the few exclusive series that I've missed playing on Nintendo systems.
As for follow-up systems I'll have to wait... I just hope the next Nintendo console is compatible with Gamecube's hardware.
Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
I just hope the next Nintendo console is compatible with Gamecube's hardware.
That would be a dream come true. It would definitely give me more of an incentive to buy the system.

I think my most anticipated system would have to be the Sony PSP, I can't wait to see what that lil portable can do.

Gameboy DS
the new nintendo system
new xbox
PSX (sweet looking)
that about covers it !
PSX (120Gb HD???? WTF and DVDburner)
and PSP
I am second thinking my hope for PStwo... for one I just realized that it's a rumor... second I may just get an oridinal so I can watch DVD's because PStwo is losing some features. I hope DVD playability isn't taken away... though it's not the best way to watch a DVD it's still a way!
With next-Nintendo I HOPE (again) it's called Gamecube 2. Though this may be like following the other two systems, but I think it's the way Nintendo should go because I thought the Gamecube was awesome.
I want a double screen.

I am content with the Gamecube. So, unless with new "gamecube 2" can make me coffee, change my kid's diaper and vacuum the floor at the same time I'm playing a game, I don't see a need to go out and buy a new system.
Just my opinion, but honestly, a system is only as good as the games for it, write that down.
What sucks is that i still use PSX for playstation because that's what i always saw for the playstation acronym. I am pumped for PSP.
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
Just my opinion, but honestly, a system is only as good as the games for it, write that down.
Very true... that's why I didn't think the Playstation 2 was anything special until recently. That's why the only system I am looking forward to is the PS2, who's lifespan is wanning. This is the reason I don't say I want all the upcoming systems, but I still thought it would be interesting to have a place to talk about them. (when I talked about future systems I talked about what I'd like to see in them, not what systems I defiently want)
Quote:Originally posted by SirChico
when I talked about future systems I talked about what I'd like to see in them
id like Virtual Reality to be implemented to a proper degree, not just youre stupid blocky head turning affair
OH and one that you can Jack into matrix styly coz then you dont even need to worry about graphic chips just how to mess around with brain signals
ah well the FUTURE awaits
The PSP is what I'm looking forward to.