Is there too much chance I'll get some errors disk as I've often seen here? (I'm thinking of the Haibane-Renmei next week). And does the gatefold may chace from batch to batch?
I don't know, but from my experience with fx, the sets are the best
Ive bought about 8 or 9 fx sets and out of all of them i only had 1 defective disk. you run the risk nomater when it came out, but as long as you buy it from here then you should be fine. JJ always replaces the defective disk.
it probably depends what dvd player youve got cause dvd players are damn fussing things. mines usually plays anything perfectly but recently lots of FX discs have been fuckin me around. you best bet is to order as little as possible at a time, cause JJ will replace the defective discs. although theres no grantee that the replacement disc wont be defective. its a risk, but FX do make the best sets!
out of all my FX sets (22 - 25) i only got a probably with the tenchi muyo ovas (badly out of sink audio (old set though)) and the tenchi movies collection (you cant access the third movie ?!?!?!?!).
Hey all,
Yeh usally my FX sets work great (they play better on cheap players like Apex etc; in my opinion) but recently some sets have been well bad, my Kenshin OVA/Movie FX Set is an absolute nightmare doesnt play on any of my stand alone players , the only thing it plays on is the PC. Im tempted to buy the Kenshin TV Boxset but now im worried that it won't play, any1 got this 1 and can tell me?
I say the best thing to do is to wait about 3 months after a set is released. I was one of those people who when in December after all this new stuff came out and the prices dropped, I was already to buy buy buy, but I waited and I am glad I did because there were problems. Who's to say whether or not the new sets will have the same issues? I think it is wise to just be patient, wait for others to try out the sets, post reviews or comments and then buy when it seems all the kinks have been worked out.
I have 14 FX sets and none of them have playablity issues. It is also true that your dvd player might be to blame, but I am lucky mine loves all dvds because it is my ONLY player, I don't even have a dvd-rom drive.
So, I guess to really answer your question as to whether it is risky to buy a new set... it probably is. Just be patient and you'll be happy. But, if you can't be patient then you have to live with what happens...

The only problem I have is with my PS2. It gives me trouble, but not with all of my dvds. For example, X is always freezing on me and it gives me an "unable to read". But when I play it on my sisters dvd player, it works perfect. Im guessing it depends on the dvd player.
Anyways, their is no going wrong with FX.
Also...are PS2's that bad for dvds? Or do I have a defected disk?
Try using a normal dvd player. PS2 and Xbox are made generally for games..not movies.
I didn't have much problems with FX till last Dec. Ordered 10 sets and 5 sets had defective dvds. I guess it just depends on your luck, some ppl did not have the same errors I had.
Unless it's a problem everyone has, it should be quite ok to buy FX.
I've had problems with Onegai Teacher and X TV - they work in at least one of my players, but not all.
It means I can't get rid of them on eBay, which is what I usually do with DVDs I don't watch anymore.
If you've got more than one player (or don't mind watching on your PC) then you should be okay. It might seem over dramatic to say it, but if you've just got the one player then you're taking a risk (rarnom seems to have struck lucky) - some people have no problems and some people do even with replacement discs.
most my sets have had problems with any one of my dvd players but there is no shortage.five in the house inclueding a they always go on something.only had 1 defective fx disk before but that was with gto.
If you have had no problems with FX stuff then the chance of problems are lower.
If you have had problems then it is probably better to wait for feedback first or get an MI rip or Mac version.
In any case it is prob a good idea to buy from JJ so you can get a replacement if there is a prob.
do FX know of the problem they have been having recently?
can any of you who know how to get in contact with Flora HIGHLIGHT THE PROBLEM and say it is impacting their sales hence PROFIT
yea i was intending on doing so but i cant remember flora's email, any help?
Several of us have spoken to him already. Personally i don't think they will ever reach a compatibility level like MI.